Tue, 11 February, 2025
Tags Leaflets

Tag: leaflets

“Obituaries” for Macedonia handed out in Thessaloniki

Today, a few opponents to the Prespa Agreement in Thessaloniki, in front of the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, handed out "obituaries" to passers-by with the name "Macedonia" written on it, protesting and calling it a "betrayal on Greek Macedonia". "Today we bury Macedonia" says the text, and is signed by "Mother Greece, Macedonian children and Macedonians". At 2:30 pm today, Greek parliament is scheduled to vote...

Late last night, Ohrid was flooded with leaflets against the “All-Albanian platform”

Last night, Ohrid was flooded with propaganda fuelled leaflets, four pages long, with the message “You don’t agree? Do something!”. The leaflets were put into mail boxes in buildings, homes, cars... On the first page, the front page of the leaflet, it reads, “All-Albanian platform, Tirana, 07.01.2017”. In the inner two pages, there are written points taken from the platform, with...

Leaflets with messages against the Government appeared in Tetovo

Several types of color leaflets in different designs and text appeared on the cars in Tetovo this morning. One of them has the text "End to Dictatorship" with photos of Gruevski, Milajkov, Jankulovska and Stavreski in prison clothes, another reads "Is this how the end smells" next to photographs of Jankulovska and Stavreski in drawn heart, and other two...