Tags Law
Tag: law
The Government has accepted the text for the Law for the languages, what follow is a phase of consultations and explanations
At yesterday's 20th session, the Government has accepted the text for the Law for use of languages that resulted from the adjustment of the national program from the of the right of the European Union.
"When the law is passed in the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will submit the law and the open...
The Constitutional Court has posted an obstacle for the Government to proclaim objects of special interest
The Constitutional Court has canceled the Article 50 from the Law for Urbanistic Planning and has saved fro Barok, among other buildings, the City Mall, the University Library and the Macedonian Opera and Balette.
At yesterday's session, the majority of judges have voted for article 50 of the Law for Urbanistic planning to be canceled. The law provided an...
Plomp: First priority of the new government should be the improvement of the life standard of its citizens
“The new government has to set its priorities, but if you are asking me, I would say that the first priority should be the improvement of the living standards for all the citizens of this country,” said the Ambassador of Netherlands in Macedonia, Wouter Plomp in a weekly interview for “Radio Free Europe”
As priorities, the Ambassador also mentioned...
Dimitrov: The new government is determined to make Macedonia a European state
The new reformatory government is seriously ready and determined to make this country a European state. This was stated today the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, who is taking part in the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the Western Balkans countries that is organized at Brdo near Kranj, as part of the summit of leaders...
Germany is abolishing the law, while Macedonia still prosecutes to protect monarchs
The Minister of Justice in Germany, Heiko Maas yesterday announced that the German government will abolish the law that forbids citizens of that country to insult foreign leaders.
Maas said that law is “outdated and unnecessary”.
The Turkish Embassy in Macedonia at the end of December last year, announced that it had brought criminal charges against E.A., a Turkish citizen because he had insulted...
Starting tomorrow, Taseva and Nikolov will monitor how the parties will spend the campaign funds
The president of “Transparency Macedonia” (TM) Slagjana Taseva, has announced that together with the Center for Economic Analyses, starting from tomorrow, will begin to monitor how the political parties will be spending their money during the pre-election period.
This project was announced in January when the early elections were set for April, but after its delay, the project was put...
A Macedonian Phenomenon: No-one Knows (or won’t say) If and When the Government Holds Sessions
The Macedonian people have little idea if and when the Government meets, and what they ultimately decide when they do get together for these sessions. We very rarely see statements such as: "At today’s Government session, it was decided...”, or “Today Government members discussed...”, and we never see, “Tomorrow, the Government...”.
We asked Aleksandar Georgiev, a Government spokesmen why the...
Chavkov: We advertised now, because we will not be able to during elections
The advertisement for the recruitment of 600 new police officers for the MOI is intended to strengthen the capacity of the ministry, to balance the number of new officers with those retiring and to fulfill the European average of police numbers, said today the Minister of Interior, Mitko Chavkov at a press conference.
According to the Minister, the number of 600...
The State Secretary of the MOI, Anastasija Ilieska has been appointed as Director of the PRO
The State Secretary for the MOI, Anastasija Ilieska has been appointed the Director of the Public Revenue Office, confirmed the government for “Meta” correspondents.
“After appointing Kiril Minoski as Minister of Finance for the current position of the institution, the government has decided the Director of the Regional Unit of the PRO (Public Revenue Office) in Skopje, Petar Esmerov, to...
Albanian Government has agreed to adopt special laws on minority groups
The Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a meeting with representatives of minority groups in Albania to improve its legislation on minorities by developing a law that the Albanian government agreed to bring at the request of the European Union.
With it, the recognition of the Macedonian and other minorities throughout the territory of Albania should be regulated, and be...
The procedure to determine the constitutionality of the SPO begins
The Constitutional Court will rule on the initiative for assessing the constitutionality of the Law on the Special Prosecutor's Office, reported "Telma" TV.
After the case sat in storage in a draw, for a long 8 months, it has finally been assigned to a reporting judge. It may be found on the daily agenda for sessions as early as Wednesday.
Hoyt Yee: Pardons must be completely withdrawn, not selectively
The pardons President Ivanov granted on April the 12th, undermine not only the rule of law but also the credibility of the country which is determined to join the EU and NATO, stated Hoyt Brian Yee, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European Affairs at the US State Department after meeting with representatives of political leaders.
“It is especially important...
If Ivanov resigns tomorrow, there would be Presidential elections on June 5!
Almost for two weeks now, the organization civil association "I protest" have expressed their anger in the streets of Skopje and all major cities in Macedonia against President Gjorge Ivanov's decision to pardon a large number of politicians. Among the organization's demands is the withdrawal of the general pardon, the formation of an interim government and to recall elections...
At 16:00 Ivanov will address the citizens
Today at 16:00, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov will address the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.
Yesterday the President had an interview with several editors from various national televisions, and on Tuesday, during his first address to the nation, he announced the decision on the general pardons to the politicians involved in a pre-trial and investigation procedures.
After announcing the decision...
SDSM: VMRO-DPMNE and DUI have violated the Przhino Agreement
Our resignations as ministers and deputy ministers which were submitted to the interim Prime Minister from the VMRO-DPMNE, were not taken into consideration, contradicting our will, said the ministers said deputy ministers from the opposition at a press conference.
“Today, the Government led by the interim Prime Minister from the VMRO-DPMNE, made another violation of the Przhino Agreement. They made...
The Government have annulled all resolutions made by SDSM ministers
All resolutions made by SDSM ministers from November the 11th to April the 7th have been annilled by the Government at yesterdays session, at the request of deputy ministers from the VMRO-DPMNE, Mitko Chavkov and Dime Spasov, reported the Government.
The statement says that according to Article 30, paragraph 2 of the government laws, the government has the right and duty to...
Media Laws proposed by the AJM and SSNM fail to pass in Parliament
MPs failed to get their draft law proposal for media reforms passed, the draft-law, which was submitted by the SDSM, but proposed by the AJM and the Union of Journalists and Media workers (SSNM).
The draft-law was modeled on proposals made by negotiator Peter Vanhoutte.
The draft-law envisaged reforms in areas such as the Programming Control of MRT, and in the...
Journalists tell Ivanov: Without media reforms, there are no conditions for elections
Representatives from five journalists' and media organizations today had a meeting with the President of the country Gjorge Ivanov, who discussed the possibility of resuming talks on media reforms before the election.
They, as stated in a statement, told Ivanov that without fully implemented media reforms in Macedonia there will be no conditions for free and credible elections.
"Representatives of the...
Gaber, Darlishta, Starova and Murati: The abolition of the Amnesty Law is completely unfounded
Constitutional Judges Natasha Gaber-Damjanovski, Ismail Darlishta, Gzime Starova and Sali Murati today came out with their own separate opinion on the amendments made to the Amnesty Law, which the Constitutional Court changed on the 16th of this month, which allows the President to pardon people who have been convicted of electoral fraud and crime, pedophilia and drug-trafficking.
In their dissenting opinion,...
Constitutional Court have given the green light for abolishing amendments to the Amnesty Law for electoral crimes
The Constitutional judges at today's session abolished the amendments to the Amnesty Law made in 2009, providing the opportunity for the President to pardon pedophiles, drug dealers and persons convicted of electoral fraud and other electoral crime, unofficial sources say.
Journalists have gathered outside the court, where soon the briefing will start where it is expected this information will be...