Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Law

Tag: law

Whoever jumbled the things with the Law on languages?

The recent storm brewing from the verification of the constitutional changes in Parliament (11.01.2018), which changed the name of the country to "the Republic of North Macedonia", has shown no sign of stopping, and the public strongly resents the fact that the Law on Languages ​​and the Law on the Ratification of the Prespa Agreement, were published in the...

VMRO-DPMNE calls on the institutions to boycott the Law on Languages

Today, Nikola Micevski, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition "For a Better Macedonia", on behalf of the party urged the institutions on central and local level, to ignore and boycott the law on languages ​​and said that if the people in charge in the institutions are faced with problems or threats, VMRO-DPMNE's legal commission will be at...

With 79 votes in favor of, the amendments for the Law of audio and audio-visual services were passed

With 79 votes "in favor of," at the 78th parliamentary session, the draft-law for amendments to the Law of audio and audio-visual media services was passed. This law was voted by VMRO-DPMNE and Coalition's MPs and Liljana Zaturoska stated that the opposition will lodge a proposal for amendments to the already passed law, that she has named as "a...

Criminal Court receives 12 requests for amnesty

Up to this morning, 12 requests for amnesty were submitted to the Criminal Court Skopje by the defendants involved in the violent events that took place in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia from 27 April 2017. Each of the defendants from "April 27" has the right to apply for amnesty if he or she considers meets the requirements prescribed by the Law. The...

Six amnesties in 27 years

Yesterday's unanimous decision to adopt an Amnesty Law for the violent events that took place in Parliament on 27th of April, voted in by 95 MPs both from the ruling party and opposition, caused an avalanche of reactions from the Macedonian public. The main issue here is whether politicians using the amnesty as a mechanism are undermining the legal system in...

The law for protection of park-forest Vodno will be finished next year

It is unreal to expect that the procedure for passing the decision for the Law for protection of the park-forest Vodno to be completed in a short amount of time because that precedes are several phases of realization, said Ana Petrovska, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, when asked by Meta Agency why this...

Parliament passes law on amnesty with 95 votes in favor

With a fast-track procedure and with 95 votes in favor, a law for amnesty was passed this evening that will determine who will be amnestied for the attack on Parliament on the 27th of April, 2017. As soon as it enters into force, the accused will have 5 days to file a request for amnesty. According to the law, organizers and those that took...

Amnesty draft-law for participants of April 27 events established

The Subgroup for Reconciliation in Parliament has prepared a draft amnesty law that will be submitted to the Co-ordinative Body for Reconciliation today, and if accepted, the draft-law will be put into parliamentary procedure to be brought in via a fast-track process. Zekir Ramčilović, from the independent parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE, who heads the subgroup, said that its members reached a...

New law enables SPO to prosecute the president, MPs, ambassadors, judges…

The Ministry of Justice has announced a draft law on the Special Prosecutor's Office which changes the competencies for crimes that may be the subject of this institution in relation to the current legal solution. So far, the Special Prosecutor has been authorized and is competent to investigate and prosecute crimes related to the content of the unauthorized interception of...

Four chambers will react together against fast-track procedure for Law on Personal Income

Through the Partnership for Better Business Regulation project, implemented with the support of USAID, the four chambers in the country will releases a joint reaction regarding the bill on personal income that will be adopted after a fast-track procedure, announced the President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Branko Azeski in his column published on "Plusinfo". He said the deadlines...

Anti-Corruption Commission not working for 7,5 months while Parliament debates new law

The Anti-Corruption Commission, the key state body for the prevention of corruption and conflict of interests, has not been working for seven and a half months, since last March when the president, Igor Tanturovski resigned, and from 2 April members were "sent" on vacation indefinitely. The Parliamentary Committee on Political System and Inter-Community Relations held a public debate today on...

Government prepares new law for SPO, Public Prosecutor’s Office and Criminal Procedure

Coincidence or not, the Government decided to change three key laws in the area of ​​criminal prosecution, exactly on November 13th, the same day former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced that he had fled to Hungary, where he is seeking political asylum. The Ministry of Justice announced on the very same day that it is preparing a draft law for...

VMRO-DPMNE seek Law on Amnesty for those who took part in attack on September 27

VMRO-DPMNE has submitted a bill for amnesty for those involved and organized the attack in Parliament on April 27, last year. At a press conference, coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, Dragan Danev, said that it was suggested that Parliament should pass the law via a fast-track procedure. "This law foresees and regulates the manner of freedom from criminal prosecution, stopping...

OSCE’s report about the referendum: Despite the legal discrepancies, fundamental freedoms were observed

While the legal framework did not cover all aspects sufficiently, the 30 September Referendum was administered impartially and fundamental freedoms were respected throughout the campaign, concluded the international observers in today's press release. There were no restrictions on fundamental rights associated with the campaign, including the freedoms of assembly, association and expression. The absence of an active ‘Against’ or organized boycott campaign...

Zaev: These days we shall know whether an agreement can be reached with the opposition or there will be snap elections

In a matter of few days, we shall know whether there will be an ambiance for reaching an agreement with the opposition for a two-thirds majority that is necessary to vote for the constitutional changes in the Parliament that are a result of the Agreement with Greece. This was stressed by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in a statement at...

Najcevska resigns from the Council for reform in the justice sector

Professor Mirjana Najcevska resigned her membership at the Council for reform in the justice sector. She has informed the Minister of Justice and the members of the Council. "This past period has clearly demonstrated that this body was formed formed only as a screen as the solutions are being brought elsewhere and it serves to create a false picture that...

Spasovski: The police acted in accordance with the law when they took the MPs into custody

When the police took the MPs into custody regarding the violence at Parliament, they acted upon an order issued by the Court and the officers acted in accordance with the legal authorizations, said today the Minister of Interior, Olivier Spasovski. This statement arrives after the question posted by the Ombudsman, Idzet Memeti, whether someone will be held accountable on a...

Geshkovska: Everything about the “Monster” case was done according to the law and evidence

Everything about the indictment of the "Monster" case was done according to law and based on evidence, prosecutor Gordana Geskovska told “Meta” News Agency, who represented the prosecution for the murder of five at Smiljkovsko Lake, told. Geshkovska did not want to comment on the request from the Public Prosecutor's Office to annull the verdicts made by the Criminal Court...

With 70 votes in favor, The Parliament passes a bill for a minimum wage of 12.000 denars

With 70 votes in favor and none against or neutral, the Parliament has voted the changes of the draft-law for increasing the minimum wage with which the payment of the minimum wage in the amount of 12.000 denars will start. Over 30 MPs have reported for a debate, and the discussion was full of mutual accusations between the ruling...

VMRO-DPMNE will not support the Law for languages as it is contrary to the Constitution

Yesterday's proposed Law by Zoran Zaev for a bilingual Macedonia is contradictory with the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, said the member of VMRO-DPMNE's Executive Committee, Antonio Miloshoski. He also said that VMRO-DPMNE cannot and mustn't support the law " that is in contrast with the Constitution." Miloshoski explained that what was cowardly done about the preposed-law for...