

Journalists from Serbian “Krik” sentenced for publishing an article listing subjects that sue them

Serbian website Krik.rs, known for the large number of investigative stories and investigative journalism awards, but also as a critic of the government, was sentenced by the High Court in Belgrade for publishing an article listing the lawsuits against its newsroom. These lawsuits, as described by the Council of Europe, are known as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP), with...

Defamation lawsuit against Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK sets a dangerous precedent

Just a few days before receiving the EU Award for Investigative Journalism in Serbia 2022 on November 16, the Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK was sentenced in a SLAPP defamation lawsuit by a Serbian court for publishing news about a criminal trial, quoting the defendant's claim that a criminal gang had ties to the Interior Minister. SLAPP suits, short for strategic lawsuits against...