Tags Косово

Tag: Косово

Region protiv dezinformacija: NATO nije neprijatelj

Bosansko-hercegovački servis za proveru činjenica i borbu protiv dezinformacija i lažnih vesti ”Raskrinkavanje“ u svom najnovijem tekstu piše o dezinformacijama proširenim u više medija, a koje su proizašle iz “Nezavisnih novina” o navodnim prisiljavanjima na seks, krađe, prodaju droge u Prihvatnom centru za migrante i izbeglice u Bihaću, BiH. Novinar “Raskrinkavanja” pokušao je da proveri navode iznete u medijima, pri...

Security Council: The situation in the country is stable and all events in the region are monitored

The situation in the region is stable and for now there are no indication that the borders might be endangered or the country's integrity and sovereignty. During the constitutive session of the Security Council that took place at the cabinet of President Stevo Pendarovski it was stated that all institutions are monitoring continuously the situations that have the potential...

Kosovo banned the import of honey and potatoes from North Macedonia

The Kosovar Ministry for Trade and Industry has banned the import of honey and potatoes from North Macedonia, informs Portalb.mk. The ban of these two products arrives as a reciprocal measure by Kosovar authorities upon the decision by Macedonian authorities to ban the import of fish for restocking from Kosovo, and it will last until the moment of re-decision...

Lack of joint border crossings is hindering the work of the railway companies

Macedonia and Kosovo have signed an agreement for the introduction of joint border controls concerning the railway traffic since 2011, but until today a joint building of the Customs services, police, and inspection services haven't been built. As was Meta Agency informed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, this building was supposed to be built by the Kosovar...

Senzacionalizam i špekulacije u srpskom “Blicu” – makedonska vlada demantuje tajne veze i crne fondove između Zaeva i Haradinaja

Makedonska vlada demantuje da premijer Zoran Zaev i bivši premijer Kosova, Ramuš Haradinaj imaju “tajne veze i crne fondove za potplaćivanje političara u Briselu”, kao što su ovih dana (06.08.2019.) objavile srpske novine ”Blic” ne navodeći nikakav izvor za ovakva tvrđenja. Vlada u Skoplju odgovorila je na zahtev Meta.mk za komentar o navodima plasiranim u srpskim novinama ”Blic“, koje je prenela...

Makedonija poštuje međunarodno pravo u slučaju Kosovara Tomora Morine

Tekst objavljen na portalu “Pravda.rs” sa isključivo uvredljivim naslovom: “Makedonci ližu šiptarsku čizmu ponovo: Štite OVK teroristu!”, kreira sasvim pogrešnu sliku za slučaj sa ekstradicionim pritvorom Tomora Morine, bivšeg člana OVK, koji je uhapšen u zemlji po poternici Srbije. Kada se pročita naslov srpskog portala dobija se utisak da Makedonija štiti Morinu, a ustvari, reč je o poštovanju strogih...

Излъганият Заев – недалновидни новини, но с възможни последствия за премиера и държавата

Новината на седмицата– манипулативните телефонни разговори на двамата руски предполагаемо шегаджии с министър-председателя Зоран Заев - няма да се задържи дълго време в медийното пространство в страната и света, но е възможно да има последици за репутацията на Република Северна Македония и, разбира се, последици за репутацията на премиера лично. Това е обща констатация на повече местни анализатори в коментарите...

Έραλντιν Φαζλίου: Στο Κόσοβο συχνότερες είναι οι παραπληροφορίες που προέρχονται απο τους πολιτικούς

Ο Έραλντιν Φαζλίου, αρχισυντάκτης του μέσου μαζικής ενημέρωσης „Пρίστινα Ινσάιτ“ (Prishtina Insight), σε συνέντευξη για το πορτάλ „Πόρταμπλ.μκ“ δήλωσε ότι συχνότερες είναι οι παραπληροφορίες οι οποίες προέρχονται από τους Κοσοβάρους πολιτικούς. Τόνισε ότι ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα του Κοσόβου είναι η παραπληροφόρηση με οπτικά στοιχεία. Χρησιμοποιούνται φωτογραφίες και εικόνες που έχουν ληφθεί από κάποιο άλλο μέρος, παλαιότερες φωτογραφίες...

IRI: A majority of citizens are more orientated to the West

Residents of the country, as well as residents of Serbia and BiH, do not feel like they belong to neither the East or the West, but largely prefer western alliances, a new survey by the International Republican Institute (IRI) showed. However, people are happier for further greater engagement with the West, which connects the population in the Western Balkans to...

Server: With the Prespa Agreement, only two problems remain in the Balkans

There were 3 peace problems in the Balkans, and today after the name resolution of Macedonia there are only two left: normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia and fixing the dysfunctional governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina said Daniel Serwer of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He was one of the speakers at yesterday's debate titled...

“Facebook” removes 212 fake profiles from North Macedonia and Kosovo

In a recent report sent to the European Commission (EC), as a signatory to the Code of Practice Against Disinformation, Facebook says it has taken down eight coordinated networks of fake profiles from North Macedonia, Kosovo and Russia in the last few weeks. Facebook say the report explains that in total they removed over 2,000 profiles, pages and groups,...

Zaharova: The only threat for the region is the Army of Kosovo trained by NATO

By becoming a NATO member, Macedonia will lose its ability to follow its own foreign policy as a sovereign state, said the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marija Zaharova, during yesterday's briefing with the press. According to her, it is unclear from who would NATO protect the country and concluded that the only danger to the...

There is no “Pact against Serbia” even though Serbian tabloid “Alo” insists there is

Serbian tabloid "Alo", announcing the start of the Central European Initiative Summit in Zagreb, said that there will also be some discussions concerning the establishment of a pact which became the main topic in the Balkan media, following statements by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj for the Croatian newspaper "Vecernji List". This comes only one day after Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran...

„Pakta protiv Srbije“ nema, ali za srpski „Alo“ ima pa ima!

Srpski tabloid „Alo“, najavljujući početak samita Centralnoevropske inicijative u Zagrebu, pisao je da se na samitu u Zagrebu razgovaralo i o formiranju pakta, koji je postao glavna tema u balkanskim medijima, nakon izjava kosovskog vicepremijera Envera Hodžaja za hrvatske novine „Večernji list“. Ovo je samo jedan dan nakon što je makedonski premijer Zoran Zaev, pozvan od poslanika Ivana Stojiljkovića, kategorično demantovao...

Protests outside the Macedonian embassy in Priština, Haradinaj is calming the tensions

Several dozen people, including family members and friends of Kosovo citizens who were sentenced to life imprisonment for the events in Kumanovo’s Divo Naselje, today protested outside the Macedonian embassy in Priština demanding the release of their loved ones. As the Kosovo media report, the situation in front of the embassy is tense, but the police are keeping the situation...

Dimitrov: Macedonia will not play a key role in Kosovo’s bid to join UNESCO

Kosovo expects a support from Macedonia for its bid to join the international institutions, said today in Skopje the Kosovo Minister for Foreign Affairs, Behgjet Pacolli  during the joint press conference with the Head of the Macedonian diplomacy, Nikola Dimitrov. Pacolli stressed that Macedonia has a bigger history and experience in international organizations, and because of that he expects a...

Brnabić: Serbia will do its best to have the best relations with Macedonia

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić arrived at a reception organized in Belgrade for Independence Day of the Republic of Macedonia, and said that Serbia would do its best to have the best relations with Macedonia. She said that she did not speak with her Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev or Macedonia's ambassador to Belgrade Vera Jovanovska-Tipko, about the possibility of...

“Blic”: Serbia has four times the military power than Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo

Serbia, which has 36.000 soldiers, has four times more military power than Macedonia, Albania or Kosovo, while Macedonia only has 8.000 troops. At the bottom is Montenegro with 1.853 soldiers. However, Kosovo has a little more than the others, due to the presence of 150 members of the special anti-terrorist units ROSU (Regional Operational Support Unit), which boosts their...

Hoxhaj: Priština can not say who Albanians should enter a coalition with in Macedonia

Macedonia should not achieve an administrative agreement, but a political agreement, between the Albanian factor and the Macedonian party that wins the mandate for the future ruling coalition, and to decide once and for all the issue of the use of the Albanian language, said yesterday Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj when he appeared as a guest on the...

Poposki: Bushtati’s statement is a reflection of his education

It is not good for politicians in the region to meddle for the upcoming elections, said Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Poposki commenting on the statement made by the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, who while commenting on the internal affairs in Macedonia, called the Macedonian people “Slavo Macedonians”. “The aim is to create the image that they manage all...