Tags Katica Janeva
Tag: Katica Janeva
So far negotiations, tomorrow begins the implementation of the Przhino Agreement
After weeks of negotiations, the political parties, all signatories to the Przhino Agreement, in the early hours on Friday morning they reached an agreement on all matters from the agreement of June the 2nd and July the 15th, which should be applied tomorrow.
Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci with their teams have agreed on the Electoral...
Todor Petrov requires assessment of the constitutionality of the Special Prosecution
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia confirmed that they have reached a new initiative to assess the constitutionality of the Special Prosecutor who submitted it to the President of the World Macedonian Congress, Todor Petrov, reported "Alsat M".
Therefore, the Constitutional Court now has two requests which could take Katica Janeva down, and hew work with her.
Such an...
Janeva’s team now complete, and starts work on Monday
Today at the Council of Public Prosecutors the twelve elected prosecutors from Katica Janeva team swore an Oath of Office, which officially means on Monday they will start to work on the allegations arising from the content of tapped conversations.
The formal session, prosecutors vowed to work responsibly and honestly, in accordance with the Constitution, Laws and legal international agreements,...
The Council of Public Prosecutors have called for an urgent session about Janeva’s team
The Council of Public Prosecutors have scheduled a session today at 16:00, an item on the agenda will be the team of the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva “Meta” has learnt.
According to our sources, Janeva's prosecutors will be the only item on the agenda of the session.
Will the members of the Council discuss the selection of the other seven prosecutors...
MP’s without debate approves Janeva’s budget
Today at the plenary session, MPs approved the budget totaling approximately one million euros, which the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva needs to start working. The Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavrevski, who is overseeing the proposal, although was present at the meeting, gave no explanation, nor any of the messengers apply for word.
Although the funds were approved, it is still...
MPs will vote today on Janeva’s budget
MPs at today's Parliamentary session will have to approve the budget for the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, so she can actually begin to work.
The Funds amount to 63,420,428 denars, or approximately one million euros for the last quarter of 2015, as indicated in the decision, are designed for continuous operations and autonomous operations of the Public Prosecution for...
Janeva’s budget passes smoothly through the Parliamentary Committees
The Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Budgeting without much dispute and after only a few minutes, the law was passed and put into further action proposed budget for the work of the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva.
The draft budget was the only item on the agenda for the 66th session of the committee explained the Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski.
On the 2nd of November Janeva’s budget will finally be in her account
This week an account will be opened for the Public Prosecutor's Office authorized by the signature of the Special Prosecutor, announced the Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski, at a press conference.
"The decision needs to pass a government session and on November the 2nd will be adopted in Parliament, where the approved budget will be put into the account and be accessible", said Mr Stavreski.
Janeva: I am working, and as for everything else, I leave to the Government and the Council of Prosecutors
The Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, officially nor unofficially did not want to comment on the situation with the Special Public Prosecutor. As for all the unresolved issues, they lead us to the rightful institutions or the Council of Public Prosecutors, the Government and the Ministry of Justice.
This was the essence of the brief telephone conversation "Meta" had with the Special...
The Special Prosecutor caught in a vicious political circle
The Special Public Prosecution and Katica Janeva herself, although were inaugurated by Parliament over forty days ago, are still unable to start work because of a dispute over the number of prosecutors. No official information has been revealed or if Janeva received the funding she requires from the Government.
The current dispute between the Council of Prosecutors and Katica Janeva...
The Council of Public Prosecutors did not select Janeva’s whole team today either
The debate on the selection of Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva's team was not on the agenda of today's session at the Council of Public Prosecutors, said Council's Chairman Peter Anevski. At the session, one of the members of the Council proposed to consider a request to Janevki, but President Anevski gave an explanation that in the letter the special prosecutor...
Janeva makes a request for completing her team of Assistant Prosecutors
Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, submitted a letter to the Council of Public Prosecutors for the selection of the remaining seven members of her team, “Meta” has learnt unofficially.
This morning, however, at 10:00 am, the Council of Public Prosecutors began their session of which, as announced yesterday by the President of the Council, Peter Anevski will debate other matters...
Janeva’s Assistant Prosecutors did not appear to take the Oath of Office
The seven Assistant Prosecutors of the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva did not appear today to give their oath of office. The Ceremony with the Council of Public Prosecutors therefore was not held. The meeting was scheduled for 11:00 am with the Council of Public Prosecutors, however none of the selected seven Assistant Prosecutors appeared neither did the Special Prosecutor...
A day of political decisions, visits, meetings and laws – are 24 hours enough?
Almost all the events that brought tension on to the political scene last week will stream into the of tomorrow's agenda.
The visit of the High Commissioner for the EU Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations , Johannes Hahn. Although there hasn't been an official statement of Mr Hahns scheduled meetings whilst he is in Macedonia, however he will certainly meet with the heads...
The parties have come to an agreement over Janeva’s team, working groups will continue with negotiations
Today at noon working groups of the political parties will continue with negotiations ,in accordance to the Przhino Agreement over election laws. This morning it was decided and agreed they have have to resolve the dispute over the Special Prosecutor's office.
"Meta" has learnt that at 01:00 am the four political parties signed a letter that will be sent to...
Political parties in the MP’s Clubhouse debate new crisis
At 14:00 pm, at the MPs Clubhouse in Skopje, a meeting between representatives of the political parties began, hoping to resolve the deadlock in negotiations on the Electoral Law.
A statement given by only one representative from SDSM, Damjian Manchevski, who said that at the meeting they will not discuss anything until the issue is resolved about the selection of the Special...
Jankuloska and Stavreski tell how much Zvrlevski is a non-political prosecutor in one of the “Bombs”
Attorney General of the Republic Marko Zvrlevski, the man who just recently said that for him, the Special Prosecution was a political prosecution has found himself in a bind after a “Bomb” released some startling information about him. In one of the "Bombs" of the opposition, the Attorney General was mentioned by two politicians, Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski...
US Embassy: We are concerned about the decision made by the Council of Public Prosecutors
There was a clear reaction to the decision of the Council of Public Prosecutors when they approved only seven of the fourteen candidates as assistant prosecutors to Katica Janeva from the American Embassy in Macedonia. The Embassy of the United States said they are concerned about the decision made by the Council.
"We are concerned about the decision of the...
SDSM: We will return to negotiations only if Ms Janeva’s whole team is chosen
From sources within SDSM we have learnt that the only way to resume negotiations today is if the Council of Public Prosecutors elect the remaining prosecutors of the team that the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva proposed.
The party says that they will know tomorrow whether the Przino Agreement is invalid and whether it has come completely to an end...
Janeva asked for 14 Prosecutors, and only got seven
The Council of Public Prosecutors, after three hours of debate, today decided approve only half of Katica Janeva's team, instead of the proposed 14. So far only seven assistant prosecutors have been approved.
Of the proposed candidates not one from the Skopje Prosecutor's Office has been accepted.
After the decision was made by the Council of Public Prosecutors, Ms Janeva learnt...