Tue, 11 February, 2025
Tags Katica Janeva

Tag: Katica Janeva

The Court is asking Janeva for Verushevski’s and Lazarevski’s passorts

The Criminal Council from the Basic Court Skopje 1 has asked the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva to submit the passports of Zoran Verushevski and Georgi Lazarevski in order to decide on the proposals on the termination or replacement of the jail detention of the two accused in the case "Putsch" announced the Basic Court Skopje 1 today. "Acting on the...

Are VMRO-DPMNE preparing protests against Janeva?

When the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva gave her consent to the proposal brought by the defence attorneys of Zoran Veruvshevski and Gorgi Lazarevski in the “Putsch” case for them to to be released from remand, it caused quite a heated reaction from the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE. They responded that the 'people could turn on her', i.e. GDOM (Civil Defence...

Janeva has agreed to release Verushevski and Lazarevski from jail

The Special Prosecution did not request for Zoran Verushevski's detention to be replaced with house arrest as some of the media has reported. Zoran Verushevski, charged in the case “Putsch”, at the request of his defence team, who argued that his detention in jail should be replaced with some sort of guarantee, and the court gave a positive opinion to their argument...

Janeva is making progress despite difficulty with cooperation between subjects

The Special Prosecutors office stated today, that the cooperation between subjects has been difficult but in spite of this situation preliminary investigations in cases for which jurisdiction have been established is ongoing and there has been some improvement. "Recently, special interest was expressed for our actions in regards to the required materials from SDSM. We again would like to point...

Zaev finally appears at the court hearing for the “Putsch” case

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, today appeared at the hearing of the case "Putsch" after several previous hearings were postponed because he kept not appearing for the case. At today's hearing a Prosecutor from the Special Prosecution is expected to appear, as Katica Janeva's team decided that this case is under their jurisdiction. At the last hearing, Judge Ljubinka Baseska threatened to...

SDSM won’t give the wiretapped materials to Janeva until safe storage conditions are provided

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) will not hand over the illegal material from the interception of communications to the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva until they provide adequate conditions for storage with maximum protection and security, announced tonight at a press conference SDSM spokesman, Petre Shilegov. “The material from the illegal interception of communications is extremely sensitive and are of a...

Apart from ‘Putsch’, Janeva is expected to answer whether she will take on cases ‘Rover’, ‘Divo Naselje’, ‘Spjun’, ‘Monstrum’, and ‘Telekom’

The requests in the past three months which have been sent to the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, have now amounted to all cases which have been controversial to the public, and are now arriving on her desk through official channels. Defence attorneys in the cases of "Rover", "Divo Naselje" and "Spjun" demand for these cases to be over taken by...

Today Janeva announced: Her team will investigate 34 cases

Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva and her team will work on 34 cases which are all connected from the content of the illegal wire-tapping, Janeva's cabinet announced this afternoon. Among the cases which the Special Prosecutor assessed are in her jurisdiction is the case, "Putsch", which is the court procedure in which one of the accused is the SDSM leader Zoran...

Today, Janeva and her team are expected to announce which cases they will be taking on

The Special Public Prosecutor's Office are meant to announce today which cases they're are going to investigate today which have arisen from the content of the illegal wire-tapping.. Today is the last day of the deadline, from the eight days in which Katica Janeva and her team needed to decide which cases are relevant to her office and which...

Aleksander Neshkovki wants Katica Janeva to solve the case of Martin’s murder

The brother of murdered Martin Neshkoski, Alexander Neshkoski sent a letter to the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, urging her to "open criminal proceedings regarding the concealment of his brother's murder and to determine the possible involvement of others who concealed facts in the investigation and judicial proceedings, other than those specified in the application. " “On the 05.06.2015, four years have...

The trial for the case “Putsch” has been rescheduled for December 21st

Court hearings in the Basic Court Skopje 1 as of December 2 were postponed due to the Day of the Tree will be held on Saturday, December 12, except for hearing on the case "Putsch", which was rescheduled for December 21, the court announced on Thursday. Among the trials cancelled due the Day of the Tree was the case "Putsch". However,...

Plomp: The clock is ticking until elections

In the weekly interview show on “Radio Slobodna Evropa” the Dutch Ambassador W. Wouter Plomp was this weeks guest. He said during the interview that the clock is now ticking until elections, and it is extremely important for an agreement to be made for the media. Ambassador W. Plomp says that in connection with the Special Prosecutor all institutions involved...

Public Prosecution handed over all cases to Katica Kaneva connected to the wire-tapping

With two vehicles, the Public Prosecutor's Office this afternoon, around 15:00, the Ministry of Justice brought materials for the cases requested by the Special Prosecutor, Katica Janeva. The documents, exhibits, were packed in two dozen boxes, and the Public Prosecution handed over the paper work on the last day of the deadline. The cases are against the former Director of the...

Katica Janeva at her press conference will announce if she is dealing with obstruction in her work?

Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva this afternoon, at 17.30, has scheduled a press conference. Apart from the timing of the conference, there is no official information about the reason for the gathering of the press. However, according to the latest developments related to the Special Prosecution, it is certain that the reason is on the the law regarding the Public Prosecutors Office...

VMRO-DPMNE have no comment, and SDSM are glad Janeva has started working

Petre Shilegov, the spokesman for SDSM, said he is glad, despite all obstacles, that the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, has began to work. “We were all aware of the obstructions the Special Public Prosecutor went through, only to delay the start of work. We are glad that she found the strength and despite everything started to work cases in...

Janeva starts to work: Gruevski, Mijalkov, Jankulovska, and “Putsch” are first in line

The cases against the former Director of the Security and Counter-intelligence (SCI) Saso Mijalkov, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, and former Ministers of Interior and Transport and Communications, Gordana Jankulovska and Mile Janakieski, in the "Putsch" case are first in line for Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, as she has already asked the Prosecutor's Office for all the necessary details and...

Special Prosecutes publishes photos of her new place of work

The Special Public Prosecutor on her Facebook page has posted her address and a photo gallery of the premises where Katica Janeva and her 12 assistant prosecutors will lead the investigation into the allegations arising from the content of the illegal wire-tapping incident. "The new premises of the Public Prosecution for offences related to the content of the illegal interception of communications can...

Przhino Agreement Imprecise: Minister should resign “on time” and the government “in due course”

The working groups of the political parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement, recently have closed down all problems in the sphere of the media. After the Przhino Agreement in December, two important milestones remain to be achieved: the resignation of the Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, and the election of a new Prime Minister, to be submitted after the first indictment...

Prosecutors sent Ms Janeva all the statistics and data on the “Bombs”

The Public Prosecutor said this afternoon that the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva has submitted a very detailed statistical review as well as data from the open cases arising from the content of the intercepted calls, which Ms Janeva had requested last week. In the statement the Prosecution had details of the number of cases, the person against whom action was...

Janeva has asked the Public Prosecution Office to submit its data for the open cases

Katica Janeva is seeking from the Public Prosecution Office statistics on how many cases are open, which have arisen from the content of the illegal interception of communications. "The Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Macedonia yesterday afternoon received a request from Public Prosecution for offences which have developed from the content of the illegal interception of communications, to provide...