Tags ЈованВранишковски

Tag: ЈованВранишковски

Вранишковски останува в затвор

Јован Вранишковски денеска нема да излезе од затвор, јавува телевизија „24 Вести“. Обвинителството во последен момент поднесе жалба на решението за условен отпуст на Вранишковски. До разгледувањето на жалбата на обвинителството, тој останува в затвор. Минатата недела од обвинителството соопштија дека нема да поднесат жалба на одлуката за пуштање на свештеникот на слобода, но, сепак, ја сменија одлуката непосредно...

Vranishkovski will be released, but what will MOC get in return?

Call of the Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archbishopric (MPC-OA) to the competent authorities in the state for mercy to the deposed bishop Jovan Vranishkovski, on behalf of “higher purpose”, found its revelation within a short period. After serving three years and two months, i.e. more than half of the five and a half years in...

Prosecution agrees Vranishkovski to be released on probation

By serving more than half of the prison sentence and the compensation of the damage for which he was sentenced, the legal requirements Jovan Vranishkovski to be released on probation are met, informed representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for organized crime and corruption. “Convicted Jovan Vranishkovski was sentenced to five years and five months. So far, he served 36...

Gjorgjiev: Decision for Vranishkovski is of the court, not of the Government

The judicial, not the executive authority, brought the decision to parole Jovan Vranishkovski, announced Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev. - As the Government, we will respect the decision of the court, and, for the motives, reasons and circumstances that led to this decision, you should refer to the body which brought it, and it is the court - recommends Gjorgjiev, adding...

Russian Church offers mediation in the dispute between MOC and SOC

The second man of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, said that Moscow wants to mediate between Belgrade and Skopje on the church dispute, reported Religious Information Agency (VIA) today. “Russian Orthodox Church can not unilaterally recognize the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC). It should be done on the basis of all-Christian decision, and we are ready to be mediators”,...