Sun, 16 February, 2025
Tags изградба

Tag: изградба

Three offers received at the tender for the building of the highway from Skopje to Blatze but the works will start next spring

Macedonian construction companies Granit and Beton including the Bulgarian construction company ISA 2000 are interested in building the first phase of the highway Skopje - Blatze. The Public Enterprise for State Roads confirmed for Meta.mkm that the during the second tender three offers were received and they were opened on the 29th of November. -At the moment the received...

The building of the new clinical center will take seven years and it will cost 500 million euros

The new clinical center will be completed in seven years and the whole project will cost 500 million euros, money which will come from the following banks: Erste Group, Raiffeisen Bank and Unicredit Bank, informed Health Minister Venko Filipche. He announced that the construction works will start at the beginning of next year. -The first phase will be completed in...

While politicians bicker, the construction of the highway is still long over-due

During yesterday's parliamentary session, the government and the opposition were squabbling over the construction of the highway from Skopje to Blace. VMRO-DPMNE MP, Ilija Dimkovski said that the government hasn't even lifted a stone in its efforts to build the highway. -One of the election promises and part of this government's program was the construction of the Skopje - Blace...

Greek company “Aktor” charged for laundering 50 million euros for Demir Kapija – Smokvica highway

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has charged the Greek company “Aktor” for fraud and laundering 50 million euros  in connection with the construction of a highway Demir Kapija – Smokvica, reported Greek media outlets “Protothema” and “Kathimerini”. The case found itself under scrutiny by the public prosecutor after evidence was collected by OLAF. The Greek construction company in 2012 won the...