Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags избори

Tag: избори

Snap elections will delay the census next year

The Director of the State Statistical Office, Apostol Simovski said that the decision for organizing snap parliamentary elections on the 12th of April will jeopardize the term planned for conducting the census of the population, households and the apartments. -The period during April is inconvenient for the implementation of the census taking into account the elections that have been called...

Party leaders have agreed to hold snap elections on the 12th of April

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that the snap parliamentary election will be held on the 12th of April next year. The prime minister gave this statement after the leadership meeting that took place last night at the Vodno villa upon the initiative by President Stevo Pendarovski. His proposal was the elections to be held faster i.e. on the 22nd...

Mickoski calls for elections and urgent reforms

The non-approval of a starting date is bad and unpleasant news for Macedonia. We have to be aware that the country is entering into a state of disappointment and all of this is a consequence of wrong policies that were conducted in the last few years. This was stated today by VMRO-DPMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski. "I will agree that the...

VMRO DPMNE: The first point at the leaders’ meeting should be early parliamentary elections

VMRO-DPMNE remains firm on its stance that in order for a leaders' meeting to take place the first subject should be early parliamentary elections. And then afterward, there can be a discussion about other subjects, such as the census, the Election Code or the Law on SPO, as was announced today by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. This was...

Анализ: Датата за преговори с ЕС няма да промени хода на Северна Македония

Въпросите около датата за започване на преговори на Северна Македония с ЕС, разбира се, че са много важни. Обществеността вече е наясно с това какви са ползите от всички аспекти, но възниква въпросът дали датата за започване на преговорите е съдбоносна за Северна Македония и нейните граждани до степен, че нейната сигурност или като цяло нейният конституционно-правен ред са...

Analiza: U drugom krugu predsednika će birati glasači Albanci

Фото: Борче Поповски
Prvi krug predsedničkih izbora koji je održan u nedelju, osim što je prošao u znaku jedne od najnižih izlaznosti na izbore i druge plebiscitarne forme u nezavisnoj Makedoniji, doneo je i šok vladajućoj koaliciji. Njihov kandidat, Stevo Pendarevski, ostvario je praktično mikronsku prednost pred svojim glavnim konkurentom za funkciju šefa države, Gordanom Siljanovskom – Davkovom, odnosno on ulazi u...

Truthmeter: Mickoski declares electoral victory with less votes than his opponent

After the State Election Commission announced the preliminary results from the first round of voting in the presidential election, the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, declared an electoral victory, which is basically an untruthful claim for the simple reason that the numbers speak for themselves, reports "However, this is contrary to the official data from the conducted...

First round of the presidential elections was peaceful and transparent, conclude foreign observers

The presidential elections in North Macedonia were well implemented but the legal framework needs further improvement, stated the international observers, who presented their first reports. – The fundamental freedoms of gathering and expressing were respected and the election day was peaceful and transparent. But, there is still a need for wider election reform - stated the observers. According to...

Narrow win for Pendarovski over Siljanovska – Davkova

Фото: Борче Поповски
According to the data from 100% of the polls, provided by the State Electoral Commission (SEC), SDSM's candidate Stevo Pendarovski has garnered 323.846 votes or 42,85% of the total number of ballots while Gordana Siljanovska - Davkova, VMRO-DPMNE's candidate has garnered 319.240 votes or 42,24% of the ballots. Pendarovski has won in Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Strumica, Berovo, Delchevo and Dojran,...

Analiza: Povećan je intenzitet lažnih i neobuzdanih skandala i afera uoči izbora

Kako se približavaju predsednički izbori u Republici Severnoj Makedoniji, zaoštrava se i kampanja tako što se povećava broj dezinformacija plasiranih u javnost, pretočenih u tzv. „lažne vesti“. Termin „lažne vesti“ sad već svako upotrebljava kako i kad to hoće i često se koristi da se napadnu vesti koje su potpuno istinite, ali koje se ne dopadaju onom ko ih proglašava...

Analysis: Fake news and forced affairs and scandals on the rise in the pre-election period

With the presidential elections in the Republic of North Macedonia fast approaching, the election campaign intensifies, as the scope of the disinformation promulgated in the public, formed into the so called “fake news”, increases. The term “fake news” is widely used nowadays, mostly to delegitimize news that is completely accurate, but disliked by the person classifying them as fake. Here,...

Kampanja počela sa jogom, politikom i matematikom

Na samom početku kampanje za predsedničke izbore u Severnoj Makedoniji ima, razume se, puno politike, ali i puno matematike i... pomalo zabave. Glasači će 21. aprila u prvom krugu birati između tri kandidata, Steve Pendarovskog – kandidata kojeg podržava vladajuća stranka SDSM, Gordane Siljanovske – Davkove koja se deklariše kao nezavisni kandidat, ali je dobila podršku opozicione VMRO-DPMNE i Blerima...

CMMM appeals for responsibility and a fair reporting during the elections

Before the presidential elections, the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMMM) is appealing for a complete professional responsibility in the area of journalism, promoting a participatory political process and continuous access of the public to relevant and authentic information. "We appeal to the media for a more serious approach to informing i.e. the public interest to be the...

Predsednička trka započela – kraj neizvestan

Troje kandidata za predsednika Republike Severne Makedonije iskristalizovalo se završetkom Kongresa vladajuće SDSM 3. marta, na kojem je prvi put u novijoj istoriji zemlje potvrđen i tzv. konsenzualni kandidat. Imena su poznata, datumi takođe, ali je nepoznato iz više razloga, kada će zemlja izabrati novog predsednika Na šestim po redu predsedničkim izborima od nezavisnosti do danas treba da se izabere...

DUI’s assessment is that the elections were democratic and that the citizens have freely expressed their will

DUI's assessment is that the elections were democratic and that the citizens have freely expressed their will, said the chief of the party's election headquarters, Arber Ademi, as soon as the polling stations were closed at 19h. -The government of Macedonia showed a capacity for organizing democratic elections. The voting is over now and the process of counting the...

“Most” will be monitoring the second round of elections with more than 1000 observers

The Citizens Association "Most" will be monitoring the second round of the local elections with more than 1,000 observers. 910 observers will be deployed at polling stations that will cover about 50% of the polling stations within each of those municipalities, in which tomorrow will be voted. "Observers from "Most" will be static, and will monitor the voting process at...

“Most”: Delays at certain polling stations and in Struga, a voter photographed the ballots

Civil association "Most", at the start of the voting at the local elections have noticed delays in the opening of polling stations, cutting off ballots along with the books, non-functional UV lamps and photographing of ballots. Four polling stations located in the primary school "Cyril and Methodius" in the village of Zletovo, municipality Probishtip were open with a 15-minute delay...

Gruevski complained to Orbán and Janša that the government are abusing the election campaign

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, met with Hungarian Prime Minister and leader of the ruling party, Viktor Orbán, and the President of the Slovenian Democratic Party, Janez Janša, in Ohrid today. Gruevski informed the leaders of the sister parties about the course of the election campaign for the local elections. He estimated the campaign as having gone through a...

CNN: Veles, with fake news is preparing for the US election in 2020

“This sleepy riverside town in Macedonia is home to dozens of website operators who churn out bogus stories designed to attract the attention of Americans. Each click adds cash to their bank accounts”, says “CNN” in a long story about the young people from Veles who earned lots of money, writing fake news that favoured President Donald Trump, when...

Line 4, added to the Electoral Code in Przino, is holding up the dismissal of Zvrlevski

The provision of Article 8-a of the Electoral Code, which VMRO-DPMNE requested an opinion from the State Commission for Preventing Corruption (SCPC), regarding the parliamentary debate on the dismissal of the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski, was added to the Electoral Code in accordance with the Przino Agreement, which was signed to solve the political crisis in 2015 by SDSM,...