Tags Хера

Tag: Хера

NMacedonia: Abortion pill became available at Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in the capital

фото: ХЕРА
Starting from today, at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in the Medical Centar in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, the alternative method for ending pregnancy with medications is available to the patients. The project for medication abortion began with its implementation at the start of this year by of HERA and the University Clinic for Gynecology and...

HERA: Over 90% of the Romani women in North Macedonia with no education or just elementary education

The unemployment is a longstanding problem for Romani women in North Macedonia. Only 4 Romani women are at managerial positions in the 142 monitored public institutions and at other, non-managerial positions, they are present with only 0.47% out of the total number of the employees. Out of 7 647 persons that had been using the active measures and employment...

Free tests for HIV and sexually transmitted infections

From May 24th, under the motto "Test. Treat. Prevent", the Spring European Testing Week is being held. "Hera" - Health Education and Research Association will be participating by attempting to increase the number of people tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, encouraging people to look after their health. From the 400 HIV-infected people, estimated to be living in...

Семејното насилство се храни од бавноста и нереагирањето на институциите

Четири убиства, од кои едно двократно и едно трикратно, на кои им претходело семејно насилство, се случиле од мај до ноември годинава, што е алармантната бројка која укажува на нефункционалноста на системот за заштита, реагираат од Националната мрежа против насилство врз жени и семејно насилство и Невладината организација „Хера“. Карактеристично за сите овие случаи е што убиствата се извршени од...