Tags Citizens
Tag: citizens
Mickoski: The malfunction at REK Bitola has been repaired and the situation with the electricity is stable
The malfunction at REK Bitola has been repaired and the power plant is now working with full capacity, as was informed today by AD ELEM's General Manager Hristijan Mickoski.
According to him, during the coldest days, the country has supplied the demands for electricity with 80% of domestic production.
-Despite the weather conditions, we managed to deliver te necessary quantities of...
Ivanov greets citizens a Happy New Year and a better 2017
This year which passed, we want to forget it as soon as possible. We faced many crises and challenges. It is appropriate to learn lessons from it and come out stronger, wiser and more responsible. We should not allow all that was negative to repeat itself, according to a New Year's greetings from President Gjorge Ivanov to the citizens.
Chichakovski: By 13h the voter turnout was 34, 43% and the voting is happening in a peaceful atmosphere
By 13h, the turnout of voters was 34, 43 %, as was informed by the president of the State Election Commission, Aleksandar Chichanovski.
-At the election district 1, the turnout was 38,35 %, in the ED 2 - 33,7, in the ED3 – 38,62 %, in the ED 4 – 39,9 %, in the ED 5 – 33,55...
Voting begins in early parliamentary elections
Today in Macedonia early parliamentary elections are being held, where 1,784,416 citizens have the right to vote and are registered voters.
Elections will be conducted at 3,480 polling stations in six constituencies.
The total number of voters in the constituencies are as follows:
- Constituency 1: 295,948
- Constituency 2: 306,471
- Constituency 3: 280,727
- Constituency 4: 282,537
- Constituency 5: 290,433
- Constituency 6: 307,817
SPO: More and more citizens are checking to see if they were wiretapped
Up until today, a total of 81 requests arrived at the Special Prosecutor’s Office by concerned citizens who were interested whether their phone numbers were being illegally monitored, announced the SPO today, adding that the requests regarded 245 telephone numbers.
The SPO say that all individuals interested may send them a written application, and in the application to state the...
Ivanov: On December 11, I expect the will of the people to be welcomed and recognised
"On December the 11th, I urge you all to come out and fulfill your right to vote and to fulfill your civil duty. I call on you to vote with sole discretion and to put your confidence into the party and the option you believe is the best choice for you and for the Republic of Macedonia", reads President...
“Pew”: Until 2015, 520.000 People Have Moved Out of Macedonia
The American research center “Pew” has published research about migration and according to its results until 2015 around 244 million of people worldwide have moved out of their native countries because of various reasons.
The data indicates that in nine countries, 20% of the people that were born there, and even more than that, now live in another country.
The results indicate...
Families from flooded areas will receive 200 euros from the Red Cross
Citizens from flood affected areas are due to receive approximately 200 Euro's per family from money raised from two Red Cross accounts, one of which is the Solidarity Fund and the second is money raised through telephone donations, the latter which raised 63.8million denars (1,038.389 euros)
The number of families which are in need of assistance ranges from some 4.000...
Citizens in May withdrew 67 million euros from banks
Last month, citizens withdrew 67 million euros from banks, and deposits have decreased by 22 million euros, says the recent data from the National Bank.
Unlike citizens, who have continued the trend of withdrawing money from banks, firms and business’s are returning money back to the banks. In May they deposited 29.6 million euros back into the banking system.
A month...
Citizens donated 15.528 euros for fines protesters from “Colourful Revolution” will have to pay
Citizens have gathered 1.405 euros, 40 US dollars and 878,360 denars or in total, 15.528 euros at yesterday’s event at the cafe-bar “Izlet” in support of the protesters of the “Colourful Revolution” who have been fined or charged for taking part in protests.
The “Colourful Revolution” stated that they are more than satisfied with the turn out at yesterday’s event...
Plomp: Political leaders are expected to make decisions acceptable for citizens
I believe that political leaders will make sensible political decisions, acceptable for Macedonian citizens, as voters certainly have the last word, said Wouter Plomp, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Macedonia.
Plomp believes that a speedy solution is of great interest for Macedonia and the Netherlands. We want the country to have a stable political climate, I urge Dutch guests without...
“Nikola, you can not escape prison” chanted citizens at the protest before Government
Today's protests came to a peaceful end where the public are still demanding the resignation of President Gjorge Ivanov and the withdrawal of his decision to pardon politicians under investigation.
The final destination of protesters organized by the association "I protest" again was the the government, but tonight they did not throw paint, they only chanted "Nikola, you can not...
“No to negotiations” shout citzens, they demand equality, justice and freedom
In a tense atmosphere after a brief clash between protesters and police in front of the Theatre "Comedy", protests organized by civil society organizations came to an end.
A small incident happened after the leader of ‘Dignity’ Stojanche Angelov, urged citizens to challenge the police, who, according to him, had no right to prevent citizens from protesting and expressing their...
Hahn calls upon parties and citizens to refrain from violence
After a second day of protests, and tonight's violence against the decision of President Gjorge Ivanov to pardon politicians, the Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn wrote on his "Twitter" account that citizens should be reasonable and refrain from violence.
"Call on all political parties and reasonable citizens to refrain from violent actions. The crisis can be...
The SEC will intersect data to investigate the integrity of the complaints from citizens
Tonight, the State Election Commission (SEC) unanimously decided , that after hundreds of complaints from citizens, they will intersect data to investigate the integrity of the complaints made by citizens by cross-checking the data from various institutions, reports TV "Telma"
"This is in regard to all the reports from citizens about people who do not live at reported addresses, or have emigrated abroad....
Crowded apartments reveal why we had 1.8 million voters out of 2 million people
With the discovery of buildings, apartments, and houses full with phantom voters, it became clear how it was possible in a country of 2 million people, to have 1.8 million people on the electoral roll.
The enigma was solved after the launch of the web application for checking the voter lists. Only one week before Ilija Dimovski from VMRO-DPMNE, wrote that...
SDSM: The chaotic electoral register confirms electoral fraud
It just confirms that Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE have been involved in criminal activities over the election through phantom voters and abusing state institutions.The public daily goes through the chaotic voters list ", says the SDSM statement of SDSM.
The opposition party even added that only there is a few examples show of absurd figures such as one address, one...
At the protest before the MOI, people demanded responsiblity from Spasovski and announced new “initiatives” from the WMC
Around a thousand citizens today responded to the call from the World Macedonian Congress (WMC) to show their anger against the Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, which according to the WMC, let individuals from the DUI party occupy the foundations of where the cross in meant to be constructed in Butel.
In front of the MOI, people gathered with placards that...
Protest in front of the Constitutional Court: Judges who are influenced by Government should resign
Hundreds of people protested again today before the Constitutional Court and demanded the resignation of the judges who voted in favour, to consider the initiative for the constitutionality of the law that dictates that people prosecuted or sentenced for electoral crime can not be pardoned.
Citizens chanted "Resign", "Goodbye criminal gang", "No Pasaran" and "We need to defend the Constitution...
VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM in a panic, since there is no proof of the 150,000 “phantom” voters
The difference in the support the VMRO-DPMNE have and the SDSM have is around 200,000 votes. This difference has been consistent over the past 10 years and this is due to the wisdom of the citizens to recognize projects and prosperity on the one hand and destruction and affairs on the other hand, reacts VMRO-DPMNE to the SDSM statement.