Tue, 18 February, 2025
Tags Censorship

Tag: censorship

Macedonian journalists send a message on the protest: NO to censorship

Dozens of Macedonian journalists from several media outlets yesterday came out for a peaceful protest in front of the Civil Court in Skopje, expressing their revolt against the court verdict against the Investigative Reporting Laboratory (IRL), which is seen as a threat of censorship, an attempt to silence and control journalism. Organized by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM)...

Defamation lawsuit against Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK sets a dangerous precedent

Just a few days before receiving the EU Award for Investigative Journalism in Serbia 2022 on November 16, the Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK was sentenced in a SLAPP defamation lawsuit by a Serbian court for publishing news about a criminal trial, quoting the defendant's claim that a criminal gang had ties to the Interior Minister. SLAPP suits, short for strategic lawsuits against...

Russia labels six other Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty journalists as “Foreign agents”

Radio Free Europe (RFE) reports that six more of its journalists have been labeled “foreign agents” by the Russian Federation, launching 2022 with a total of 18 Russian journalists from the RFE / RL service labeled “foreign agents”. They face estimated fines of more than $ 13 million under Russian law on the issue. RFE / RL say it is...

Global Voices: Russian censors block website of legal aid non-profit OVD-Info

OVD-Info, a prominent Russian legal aid and human rights organisation, announced on December 25 that its website had been blocked by Roskomnadzor, Russia's internet and media regulator, writes “Global Voices”. Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with “Global Voices”. Though the state registry revealed that the website was blocked due to a December 20 verdict from a Moscow-based district...

Journalist associations in North Macedonia react against Lidija Dimova

The Independent Labor Syndicate of Journalists and Media Workers (ISSMW), the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) condemned, as they say, the inappropriate statements that were aimed at discrediting and which were followed by lawsuit threats towards the colleagues from the online medium "A1On" by the Director of the National...

Are the media allowed to publish Zaev’s “bomb”?

Last night appeared videos of "secret" meetings between Gruevski and Zaev, on which is heard that SDSM leader said that he received the material he has from foreign services. Media were immediately in doubt whether the footages should be published and, further, what if SDSM starts with the publication of the "bomb"? Will it do it through the media and...