Tags Business community
Tag: business community
Four chambers will react together against fast-track procedure for Law on Personal Income
Through the Partnership for Better Business Regulation project, implemented with the support of USAID, the four chambers in the country will releases a joint reaction regarding the bill on personal income that will be adopted after a fast-track procedure, announced the President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Branko Azeski in his column published on "Plusinfo".
He said the deadlines...
VAT to be paid after a charged invoice and smaller penalties, demand companies
Companies detected 60 problems in the application of certain laws, and frequent amendments to the regulations in the past few years created problems for them, said Jadranka Arizankovska, senior advisor at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
The Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with other chambers and with the assistance of USAID, are implementing a project called "Partnership for Better Business...