Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Бугарија

Tag: Бугарија

Research warns about influence of Russian propaganda campaigns over combat readiness of NATO members from Black Sea region

  Informing about recent research about the issues affecting the Romanian and Bulgarian Black Sea fleets, Bulgarian newspaper Dnevnik emphasizes the impact of Kremlin disinformation campaigns to destabilize those societies.   The paper “NATO’s Selective Sea Blindness – Assessing the Alliance’s New Navies” by Thomas-Durell Young, published in the Naval War College Review outlines a range of issues affecting the ability of Bulgaria and Romania to defend against...

Macedonians have paid million euros so far to purchase vignettes for traversing Bulgarian roads

Macedonian citizens have purchased 85.000 electronic vignettes for traversing Bulgarian roads during the period between 1st of January and 13th of August this year. The Bulgarian Minister of Regional Development and Urbanism, Petja Avramova had fond words for Macedonian drivers who are among the most regular payers of road fees out of which the Bulgarian state has profited...

Bulgaria want to build a highway from Sofia to the border with Macedonia

Bulgaria wants Sofia and Skopje to be connected with a highway and a quick railway. The speeded building of the Pan-European Corridor 8 is of great importance for Bulgaria stated today the Bulgarian Minister of Regional Development and Urbanism, Petja Avramova. She was on an official visit to Skopje where along with the Minister of Local Self-Government Goran...

Macedonia wants to take part in the building of the nuclear power plant Belene in Bulgaria

The state company ECM has sent a letter with its intent to take part in the project for the building of a Bulgarian nuclear power plant Belene. This information was revealed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy Temenushka Petkova, and MIA news agency confirmed this news through a statement by the Macedonian government As inform Bulgarian media, the Macedonian ECM...

Makedonija nije uputila protestnu notu Bugarskoj

Srpski portal ”Telegraf“ nedavno (15.07.2019.) je objavio tekst sa pogrešnim naslovom: “Zaev uputio protestnu notu Bugarskoj: "Nismo mi Severni Makedonci"”. Reč je o napisu koji se poziva na makedonski portal ”Faktor“ i u sadržinskom delu tačno prenosi izjavu premijera Zorana Zaeva, u kojoj on faktički najavljuje da će poslati protestnu notu Sofiji, zato što je bugarski premijer, Bojko Borisov na...

Кънев: Ромите, мюсюлманите и македонците най-често на мушката на манипулациите и дезинформациите

Красимир Кънев е един от учредителите и настоящ президент на Българския хелзинкски комитет (БХК). Защитил е докторска дисертация в Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски". Специализирал е права на човека в Колумбийския университет в Ню Йорк. Преподава права на човека в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, а преподавал е в Пловдивския университет "Паисий хилендарски", както и в Централноевропейския университет, Университета в...

Ivan Georgiev: The fight against disinformation in Bulgaria is almost nonexistent

Ivan Georgiev is reporter and anchor of bTV, one of Bulgaria’s main TV stations. He has covered some of the leading international and regional events in the past few years,  Macedonia included to a large extent. Ivan is author of numerous short documentaries. In 2012 he was awarded with the World Press Institute Fellowship. He is also holder of several...

Zaharieva: It is better that North Macedonia and Albania aren’t separated

It will be a historical mistake if the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania don't start now, but it is better at this moment that the two countries aren't separated in their prospects, state the Bulgarian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva. She sent this message before the session of the European Council, that is...

Greece conducted test flights over Macedonian skies and not surveillance flights

In most of the news published in Bulgarian media yesterday and today about yesterday's test flights conducted by Greek military planes over Macedonia, for the purpose to analyze the communications and radar coverage, almost all of them have reported correctly the facts both in the titles and content. All stressed that these are preparations for the protection of the...

Fines for television stations who translate Macedonian content into Bulgarian, says MP Bogdanov

MP Krasimir Bogdanov from the "United Patriots" party has asked that fines are given to Bulgarian television stations who translate from Macedonian to Bulgarian at a parliamentary panel hearing in Bulgarian Parliament for an annual report by the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media (an equivalent of the Macedonian Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media services). News portal "Klub Z" reports...

Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia are building railways for 250 km/h, we are “happy” with 80 km/h

While Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece are actively working to build high-speed railways, Macedonia is fast asleep. In a several years, our country could encounter serious problems with the low speeds of the trains, taking into account the pace of development of the railway infrastructures in neighbouring countries. This year, Greece plans to complete the production of the high speed track...

Xhaferi will visit Bulgaria tomorrow to attend the NATO Accession Protocol ratification

The President of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi will be on a two-day official visit to Republic of Bulgaria. Tomorrow he will be attending the session that will ratify the Protocol for the accession of Republic North Macedonia into NATO by the National Assembly of Republic of Bulgaria. The Macedonian Parliament informs that after the ratification, Xhaferri will be meeting...

Big Brother Awards return to Bulgaria

For the first time in six years, Bulgarian civil society organizations organize the Big Brother Awards, a means to shame the worst violators of citizens’ privacy during the previous year. Internet Society Bulgaria and Access to Information Program in Bulgaria call for nominations of governmental bodies, companies and persons which have violated or violate the privacy of citizens and personal...

Bulgarian and Serbian media prematurely change the name of Macedonia

While reporting on Saturday and yesterday about the vote in Macedonian Parliament, where four constitutional amendments were adopted, which, among other things, Macedonian MPs accepted the change of the name of the Republic of Macedonia, most of the media and some news agencies in neighboring Bulgaria and Serbia, wrote headlines and in part of the texts that Macedonia was...

Srpski mediji pogrešno predstavljaju Karakačanova kao oficijalnu Sofiju

U analizi pod naslovom „SKOPLJE I SOFIJA U KLINČU Tenzije sve veće, Bugarska poručila Makedoniji da provocira i da makedonski jezik NE POSTOJI“ objavljenoj danas, predstavljajući najnovije iskre u makedonsko – bugarskim odnosima, srpske novine „Blic“ sasvim pogrešno u naslovu su poistovetile bugarskog vicepremijera i ministra odbrane Krasimira Karakačanova sa celom vlasti Bugarske i uopšte sa celom zemljom. Inače, isti tekst,...

Lamppost in a village near Blagoevgrad is the home address for thousands of Macedonians holding Bulgarian passports

A lamppost in a village near Blagoevgrad is the address for thousands of Macedonians holding a Bulgarian passport, and is a part of the grand scheme of a sale of Bulgarian citizenships for money, said Katja Maneva in an interview for EU Observer. She is a former director for citizenships at the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice. She has worked...

Ана Кочева от БАН оспорва македонския език, забравяйки на македонските възрожденци

Доцент Ана Кочева, лингвист от Института за български език при Българската академия на науките (БАН), в интервю за портала „Дир.бг“ публикувано вчера, изявява че македонският език е създаден през 1944 година, като резултат на частичния успех на Србия в проекта да стане обединител на всички Южни Славяни. В интервюто, во което и журналистът във въпросите говори за „българския характер на...

Каракачанов не чете история, нито договори, които ги потписва правителството, в което самият участва

Българският вицепремиер и министър на отбраната Красимир Каракачанов и претседател на ВМРО-БНД, както и българският евродепутат Андрей Ковачев од ГЕРБ, (двамата част от българската десница),  уикендът излязоха с остри квалификации за македонската национална идентичност. Втория, въпреки, че не ги повтори заканите на Каракачанов, че България може да блокира приемането на Македония в ЕС и НАТО, ако продължава  да говори...

There will be news on the name dispute after the holidays, says Dimitrov

The negotiations on the name dispute will continue after the New Year and Christmas holidays, and in the meantime no developments are expected, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov at a joint press conference with Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó. “The next meeting has been arranged after the holidays in January, so there should be no special event during...

Next week, Hahn will be in Skopje, Zaev in Belgrade, a session with the Bulgarian Government and five trials

Next week, Macedonian politicians, as well as the courts, will have a packed agenda. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn is expected to visit a government delegation in Serbia and a joint session of the governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria. In Skopje’s Criminal Court, hearings on the cases "Bribe", "Slaps", "Trust", "Trista" and "Sopot", which are...