Tue, 18 February, 2025
Tags Appeals

Tag: Appeals

Appellate Court upholds Gruevski’s 2 year prison sentence for the “Mercedes”

The Skopje Appellate Court announced on Monday its decision to reject Nikola Gruevski's appeal regarding his two-year prison sentence in the "Tank" case, where he was charged for the purchase of an expensive luxurious "Mercedes" worth nearly 600,000 euros. "Appeals made by the accused N.G. which were put forward by S. himself and his defense attorneys were declined on the...

Appellate Court dismisses the appeals of Chavkov, Jovanovski, Durlovski and Ilievski

The Appellate Court has dismissed the appeals of eleven people, all suspected of causing violence in Parliament on April 27th, 2017, including former Minister of Interior, Mitko Chavkov, actor Vlado Jovanovski, former director of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet Igor Durlovski and Bogdan Ilievski – Batman, who still remain in custody after the Criminal Courts ruling. Some of the decisions...

Prosecution asks for the termination of actor Vlado Jovanovski’s detention

A representative of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, Jovan Cvetanovski, addressed the Council today at the Skopje Appellate Court regarding the appeal for the actor Vlado Jovanovski concerning the violence that took place in Parliament on April 27th, last year, demanding that the actor be released from custody and be given a lenient measure to ensure his presence. According...

Thessaloniki court gives the green light for the extradition of Grujevski and Boshkovski

The Thessaloniki Council of Judges ruled that former Chiefs of the Security and Counterintelligence Administration (UBK) Goran Grujevski and Nikola Boskovski to be extradited to Macedonia, reported the Voria portal. According to the same source, immediately after the announcement of the verdict, the two defendants appealed the decision to the Supreme Court in Greece. As "Voria" writes, Grujevski and Boskovski demanded...

Vlado Jovanovski and three others accused of violence on April 27th are requesting public sessions regarding their appeals

The actor Vlado Jovanovski, former Head of Security of Trajko Veljanovski, Goran Gjoshevski, Oliver Popovski, an employee at the Sixth Estate and Munir Pepikj from the Agency for Counterintelligence have made a request to the Appellate Court to discuss their appeals regarding the prolongation of their detainment at a public session. The Appellate Court confirmed it has received eight appeals...

The Supreme Court abolished the verdicts and returned the “Monster” case for a retrial

The Supreme Court has abolished the verdicts for the "Monster" case and returned the case for a retrial. The court ruled that it accepts the appeals of the defendants for the multiple murders at Smiljkovsko Lake, which occurred on April 12th, 2012. With the verdict from the highest court in the country, rulings from the Criminal and Appellate Court of...

Custody for Grujovski, Jakimovski and Boshkovski – while Mijalkov’s passport has been confiscated

The Skopje Appellate Court upheld the appeal of the Special Prosecutor's Office for some of the defendants in the "Target" and the "Fortress" cases and ordered the former Head of the Administration of Security and Counter-Intelligence (UBK), Goran Grujovski, the former Chief of Staff of Sasho Mijalkov's cabinet at UBK, Toni Jakimovski and Nikola Boshkovski, an employee at UBK,...

Peshevski and Latas remain without passports, the Appeal court has overruled all of SPO’s appeals

The former VP for Economic Issues, Vladimir Peshevski, who is accused in SPO's the "Trajectory" case will remain without a passport and will be obliged to report to the court once a week. This was the decision of the Appeal court in Skopje after it evaluated SPO's appeals and Peshevski's defense last week. SPO has appealed to the Appeal...

This afternoon, the SPO will file its first appeals regarding custody for the accused

The Special Prosecutor’s Office is expected to file their first appeals to the Appellate Court Skopje regarding their dismissed custody requests for 18 individuals, after the charges were filed last week, confirmed the SPO for “Meta”. The appeals are from rulings made by the Basic Court Skopje I, and the SPO will be submitting them in the following next few...

The Supreme Court has set a public session for the “Monster” case on the 29th of June

Next Thursday, on the 29th of June, the Supreme Court will set a public session during which the appeals of the six people that were sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment in the case of “Monster” for the murders of five people, will be discussed and decided upon. The session, as was announced by the court, will be public, and will...

The SEC decides on a re-vote at the polling station in Tearce

At today's session, the State Election Commission voted unanimously to hold a re-vote at polling station 2011 in the municipality of Tearce. According to simulations conducted by the IT sector at the SEC, the re-vote could affect the outcome of the elections, or the number of seats won by political parties in Constituency 6. The re-vote at "Kiril Pejcinovic" primary school...

Administrative Court accepts appeal by SDSM and has annulled the vote in Tearce

The Council of the Administrative Court accepted SDSM’S appeal and has annulled the votes from polling station number 2011 in Tearce, in Constituency 6. The complaint and appeal made by SDSM is related to a certain polling station, where at the beginning of the vote, a ballot was reported and marked as missing, which was eventually found during the count...

Besa will not appeal the decisions made by the SEC, the party doubts the court’s independence

The Besa movement will not submit an appeal to the Administrative Court after the decisions made by the State Election Commission to reject seven of the eight complaints over the electoral process. "The bodies of the party assessed not to file an appeal with the Administrative Court because we doubt the court's independence and know their decision in advance", stated...

The SEC want to see the records from polling station 2011 to determine when the ballot went missing

The State Election Commission has started to act on the complaints by SDSM regarding voting at certain polling stations and have had a long discussion on the first of the eight complaints, which refers to the polling station 2011 in the sixth district. At the polling station, according to SDSM’s complaint, at the start of the voting process it was...

Tomorrow SEC decides on appeals made by SDSM and Besa

The State Election Commission (SEC) has scheduled a session tomorrow where they will review and decide on the appeals and objections from the parties concerning the course of voting in the early parliamentary elections on December 11. The SEC has not yet announced an exact time for the meeting, but will announce that information. "The State Election Commission informs that the meeting...

No jail time for Jankuloska or Bozinovski – The Court has rejected all of Janeva’s appeals

The appeals by the Special Prosecutor have been rejected on the grounds they are unfounded. It follows the preliminary proceedings where a judge ruled against pre-trial detention for the former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, the Secretary General of Government Kiril Bozinovski along with three other suspects in Operation "Titanic". This decision was brought by a panel made up of...

Janeva’s appeals rejected – No pre-trial jail time for Janakieski and Temelko, and that’s definite!

The Criminal Council of the Basic Court Skopje 1, which is made up of three judges, dismissed the Special Prosecutor's appeals as on the grounds they were unfounded in regard to the Judge's decision at the Preliminary proceedings that former Minister of Transport & Communications Mile Janakieski, and the Mayor of Pustec in Albania Edmond Temelko,  as well as...