Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Anti disinfo

Tag: Anti disinfo

“Vistinomer”: During election campaigns, they cannot boast of infrastructure success

The statement by the President of the Government, Zoran Zaev announcing a tender for March the 29th for the purchase and installation of new electrostatic filters in REK Bitola, assessed as "inconsistent". "The investment is estimated at 20.4 million euros, funds that the company will provide from its own resources, which also pleases us as a government. One of...

Kremlin disinformation should be opposed with accuracy

Brian Whitmore, senior researcher and Director of the Russian Program at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), a research institute dedicated to Eastern, Central European and Russian Studies, held a virtual lecture, which could be followed in four cities across Eastern Europe: Bucharest, Kiev, Podgorica and Skopje for dealing with disinformation that originated in the Kremlin, as a...

Zaev and Tsipras: We are building bridges – opponents to the agreement will see the benefits

Фото: Борче Поповски
Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras, at a press conference projected a joint message that with the Prespa Agreement, both Greece and North Macedonia will benefit both the citizens and future generations, and that opponents of the agreement will in time, see all the benefits. They said the current political leadership is committed to building bridges and demolishing walls, that...

Vuk Velebit: Serbian press more biased than Russian “Sputnik”

In Serbia, manipulation and misinformation on the part of pro-regime TV stations is part of everyday life. A major problem is the lack of information and the Government's intention to manipulate public opinion through its TV stations and discredit political opponents. Vuk Velebit is an author and researcher who explores Russian propaganda in Serbia's daily press. He has been examining...

Spasovski refutes the information about alleged kidnappers and illegal organ trade

The Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski once again refuted the disinformation and the speculations that are used for misuse of current cases with missing persons. – I am categorically refuting the speculations of alleged kidnappers and an alleged trade with human organs. These are lies and disinformation. There are no cases of kidnapping nor the persons who have died...

Pappas: Prespa Agreement was plagued with fake news

Fake news surrounding the Prespa Agreement was the main topic at a press conference held by the Government today, where Minister of Information Society and Administration, Damjan Manchevski and his Greek counterpart, Minister of Digital Policies, Telecommunications and Media, Nikos Pappas signed a Memorandum of Understanding, reports "CriThink". At the conference, which was followed by a number of Greek journalists, one...

Transparency International still measuring corruption under VMRO-DPMNE rule

In the speech delivered during the third protest of VMRO-DPMNE (12 December 2018) in front of the building of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for the party members and fans, the party’s president Hristijan Mickoski made the following manipulative and untruthful statement, "Vistinomer" analyses. They’d say they have been reforming the judiciary. 112th country according to Transparency International....

Albanian “Top Channel” publishes old photo as disinformation of Gruevski at the border

Albanian TV "Top Channel" released a photo of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski fleeing and claim that it was taken at the border crossing Hani Hoti at the Albanian-Montenegrin border on 11 November, 2018, at 7 pm and 11 minutes. The article and picture was shared by a large number of Albanian, Hungarian and some Macedonian media outlets, without checking the...

Albanian media take Serbian bait over Gruevski story

Last week, disinformation that was published by pro-government Serbian daily newspaper "Politika", lied to a large part of the Albanian media who in turn, shared the news. "Politika", citing its own sources, claimed that Nikola Gruevski flew to Budapest via Tirana. One of the most well read media outlets in Albania, "Gazeta Mapo", reported this information with additional "spice" -...

Sad news for journalists: Citizens trust them very little and think they aren’t independent

Half of the citizens that took part in the poлls or 50, 4% think that the media in Macedonia are dependent and only 15% state that the media in the country is independent, show the results from the research of public opinion "Perception of citizens about media and foreign policy", implemented by IPSOS Macedonia on request of the foundation...

USA: Russian claims that we interfered in the vote in Parliament are disinformation

The US State Department assessed Russia's accusations that the United States was involved in the recent vote in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, which gave the green light to start constitutional changes in the country, as unreasonable as an attempt to misinform and propaganda "Any allegation that representatives of the US Embassy were involved in the voting process in Parliament...

Bosnjakovski: The government will protect the public from fake news during referendum silence

Government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski said today at a press conference that the Government will undertake activities for protecting the public from fake news and misinformation through announcements on social networks in the upcoming period during the referendum silence. Any news, as Bosnjakovski announced, which is detected to be fake, misinformation or half-truth, will be appropriately identified and, as he explained,...

Zaev: The disinformation serves as the great underminer of democratic and reformatory processes

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev together with the EU-Commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn and the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Desir, opened the conference for the counties from Western Balkans, the EU -Western Balkans Media Days that is taking place in Skopje and is organized by the European Commission. -It is inadmissible...

Zaev: I have no evidence of Russian influence in Macedonia

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev replied to a question at the conference dedicated to media freedom in the region and said that he has no evidence of Russian influence in Macedonia. _I have no evidence of any Russian influence in Macedonia. The Russian Federation is a friend of the Republic of Macedonia and there is nothing that stands in the...

Mitchell: The United States practice of silent diplomacy regarding the name dispute

Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, Wess Mitchell, said the United States continues to play a silent role in the process of resolving the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece. “We have recently taken a common view, not only for Serbia and Kosovo, but we also work on B andH regarding the name issue between Macedonia and Greece....

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev is lying about the amnesty, the empty budget and the public debt

“Zoran Zaev’s lies will not improve the standard for the citizens. They expect him to fulfill the promises he made before the election, not by manipulation and disinformation to defocus people from the commitments he has made”, said this morning's statement by VMRO-DPMNE. Zaev lied when he said that anyone from VMRO-DPMNE who were in SDS’s recorded conversations, have asked...

“The Guardian”: Russia has been working for a decade to distance Macedonia from NATO

Russian spies and diplomats have been involved in a nearly decade-long effect to spread propaganda and provoke discord in Macedonia as part of broader efforts by the Kremlin to increase its influence all across the countries in the former Yugoslavia and to stop them from joining NATO and to pry them away from western influence, writes British newspaper "the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Vajgl to renounce or to apologize for political manipulations

MEP Ivo Vajgl either didn’t understand something or he is intentionally siding with the pardoned criminal Zoran Zaev and his scriptwriters for issuing lies and made up stories, if he has ever given a statement like the one that was published, said VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to Vajgl’s statement that the party leader, Nikola Gruevski will go all the way, because...

DUI: citizens to remain calm and not to succumb to disinformation

Democratic Union for Integration said that they follow today's developments in Kumanovo with great concern and urge citizens to be calm and not succumb to any provocations. "Democratic Union for Integration believes that today's events in Kumanovo, but also the previous ones in Goshince and the explosion in front of DUI headquarters and others, are actions that are in complete...

EU to fight “Russian disinformation”

Twenty-eight EU member states jointly decided to oppose the "Russian disinformation," said the President of the European Council Donald Tusk at a press conference. It's still not clear what form it will take, although the most mentioned option is opening a new European TV channel in Russian language, which will be broadcast in Russia and will tell the "facts." Leaders assigned...