Tags Aleksandar Vučić
Tag: Aleksandar Vučić
The Bots Must be Crazy – Super special, fans and haters
Printscreen from the online campaign for positive promotion of the party bots in Serbia | Source: Instagram profile of Aleksandar Vučić
Someone is a proud political party bot, while another is praising the party leader and attacking his opponents, under the threat of losing his/her job. Yet, one thing is certain - the number of people recruited by political parties...
Global Voices: With the US intervention, Kosovo and Serbia resolve the car license plate dispute
Kosovo thanks the US; Serbia has its own interpretation, writes "Global Voices". Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with "Global Voices".
Two days after Kosovo and Serbia failed to reach an agreement on the row centering on a decision made by the Kosovo government to ban Serbian-issued license plates after a long dispute, the EU announced on November...
Serbian parliamentary elections campaign features Greek beaches and Chinese robots
After a COVID-19 imposed hiatus, Serbia announced that it will hold its postponed parliamentary elections on June 21. Some of the biggest opposition parties will boycott the elections, blaming the government it had not provided fair game conditions. Ruling parties, on the other hand, started the campaign in earnest, continuing their tradition of controversial campaign ads.
Prior to this...
Kako je Srbija došla do vanrednog stanja?
U manje od mesec dana, Srbija je od zemlje u kojoj su se zbijale i šale na račun korona virusa, stigla do 249 obolelih i proglašenja vanrednog stanja. Zvaničnici su se u više navrata oglašavali, iz dana u dan iznoseći tvrdnje o korona virusu i donoseći nove, sve drastičnije mere u borbi protiv istog. Kako je došlo do ovih...
Penzionisani pukovnik KOS-a špekuliše da CIA radi protiv Srbije iz auto-salona u Skoplju
Nekoliko srpskih medija ovih dana je promovisalo teoriju zavere po kojoj obaveštajne službe balkanskih zemalja u skopskom auto-salonu pripremaju atentate na srpske opozicionare da bi zatim “Zapad” za to optužio vlast Vučića.
Srpski nedeljnik ”Pečat“ u broju od 19. jula 2019. objavio je tekst pod naslovom: “Omča za Srbiju”, o navodnom “specijalnom ratu vodećih država NATO-a protiv Srbije”, stavljajući pri tom fokus...
Prevareni Zaev – vest kratkog daha, ali sa mogućim posledicama po premijera i državu
Vest nedelje – prevarantski telefonski razgovori premijera Zorana Zaeva sa dvojicom ruskih, navodnih šaljivdžija – nema kapaciteta da se dugoročnije zadrži u medijskom prostoru u zemlji i svetu, ali je moguće da ima implikacija po ugled Republike Severne Makedonije i svakako, implikacije po ugled premijera lično.
Ovo je zajednička konstatacija više domaćih analitičara u komentarima celog događaja. Bez obzira na...
Serbian tabloid “Alo” spreads hatred among Macedonians and Albanians
The article "The Šiptari, the Macedonians and Foe Orić want the Head of Vučić " published on December 29th, by Serbian tabloid "Alo", who are known as one of the loudest supporters of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić , accuses the Albanians in the Balkans and the Macedonians of wanting to ruin Vucic's reputation at any price and presenting him as...
Information war between Pristina and Belgrade after Thachi’s visit to the north of Kosovo
New tensions between Belgrade and Pristina were triggered after yesterday's sudden visit to the north of Kosovo by President Hashim Thaci. Adding to the tension was Belgrade's immediate and hasty reaction when they raised the threat level to its highest of the army and police, reports Meta's correspondent in Belgrade.
Everything began when the pro-government media in Serbia reported that large...
Vučić pledges no interference in referendum, saying it’s good for Belgrade if dispute is solved
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, regarding the upcoming referendum in Macedonia, said that Serbia does not want to interfere in the internal issues of other countries, but that it will support everything that leads to stability in the region and will always respond positively when its neighbors solve their problems.
"Everything that contributes to regional stability is important for...
Balkan political elite and Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Summit in Skopje
President of the European Council Donald Tusk, seven presidents and one prime minister will be guests of President Gjorge Ivanov, who is hosting the Summit of Heads of State in the Brdo-Brijuni Process, to be held this afternoon and tonight at the Alexander Palace Hotel in Skopje.
The official attendance at the summit was confirmed by the presidents of Croatia,...
Lavrov: The EU is passive in regards to the Tirana platform and the violation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, at a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, reiterated Macedonia yesterday, stating that Moscow is "concerned about the EU's passivity with regard to the initiative coming from Tirana about the “Tirana platform” which, as he said, is "an explicit call for creating a Greater Albania".
“There are enough examples which give...
Brnabić will invite Zaev to a joint government session, announces Vučić
Serbia's Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić will send an invitation to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, to hold a joint session of the governments of both countries by the end of the year in Belgrade. This, among other things, was pointed out by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at today's meeting with the Ambassador of Macedonia in Belgrade, Vera Jovanovska-Tipko.
Zaev and Vučić had a “long and open” conversation and agreed on dialogue and cooperation
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had a "long and open" conversation on the telephone today, where they discussed all the "emerging circumstances" in the relations between the two countries.
In a joint statement after the conversation, Zaev and Vučić they had agreed on five points.
They agreed that Macedonia and Serbia will resolve any eventual disagreement in...
Zaev: We resolved the open issues with Vučić
Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, stated in an interview with the local TV H1 that he solved all open issues he had with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić after his statement regarding the Macedonian scenario that could transfer into Serbia, but also after the information that the former BIA member was in Parliament.
Zaev said that Serbia had no influence or bad...
Trilateral meeting Tsipras – Vučić – Borisov in Thessaloniki, Macedonia will be one of the topics
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov on Thursday in Thessaloniki, reports the Greek news agency ANA-MPA.
Tsipras and Vučić will participate in the Greek-Serbian high-Level Cooperation Council, after which they will give a joint statement.
After the meeting with the Serbian President, Tsipras will meet with his Bulgarian counterpart in...