
Stoltenberg: We congratulate you on your political courage and vision


We are ready to welcome you to NATO’s family. We congratulate you on your evident leadership, political courage and vision in solving disputes with neighbors. The Republic of North Macedonia already has a seat in NATO. This month, the Minister of Defense Radmila Shekjerinska will once again attend the NATO’s ministerial meeting. We are expecting when the ratification by all NATO members is over, your country to become the ALliance’s 30th member.

This was the message that NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addressed the attendees at the joint press conference with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

-A NATO membership means prosperity and when you become a NATO member you will be participating in the creation of policies and in the decision making processes with a vote that is equally important as other members – said NATO’s, Secretary General.

He took part in the joint meeting of the North Atlantic Council and the Committee for the Republic of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession, who is a historical one and is the first visit by the complete personnel consisting of NATO Ambassadors of the North Atlantic Council. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Zaev.

During the meeting of the highest organ of the North Atlantic alliance, there were discussions about the main reformatory priorities – rule of law, security and the intelligence sector.

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