Stip sends messages with Molotov cocktails as 19 vehicles were set on fire this year

The case where the vehicle belonging to the former head of SDSM’s branch in Shtip, Nikola Tushev was set on fire, including the vehicle belonging to his father, was not an accident. The fact that two vehicles were set on fire that were not parked next to each other is an indication that this was planned.

Additionally, both vehicles were lit in the same manner – by breaking the window and a Molotov cocktail was thrown in. The vehicles were destroyed in few minutes rather than hours. Since this is a vehicle belonging to a politician and the mayor of Shtip’s counselor, his own party has indicated that their opponent VMRo-DPMNE, and the current President of the SDSM’s branch in Shtip asked: “when Mickoski talked about the country’s renewal whether actually he meant this?”

VMRO-DPMNE replied with a question: “Whether the former SDSM OO Shtip’s president has debts concerning many of his own business ventures?”

SVR Stip which leads the investigation is demanding more time in order to finish the analysis. The Firefighter’s evidence book had evidence of 19 burned vehicles.

The police have evidence of self-burnt vehicles including vehicles that were purposely burnt, i.e. “by undetermined reasons”. But the Public Prosecution in Stip confirmed that none of the cases have managed to reach the prosecutors for further processing. That means that for 10 months the police has managed to solve any of the cases.

This leaves a lot of space for speculations in the city. The burnt vehicles “by unknown causes” have the same signature. The vehicles parked next to them are collateral damage.