U.S. Ambassador Jess Baily, in an interview for “Sitel TV” said that the attitude of the international community is that the Special Public Prosecutor’s (SPO) mandate has to be extended (the deadline for closing investigations and filing charges). The MP and the member of the VMRO-DPMNE’s Executive Committee, Antonio Miloshoski, last night, in an interview for the same Television station, said that the deadline of 18 months was suggested by the international community and Baily, as its representative, during the negotiations between the political parties at the MPs Clubhouse in 2015.
The U.S. Ambassador said in the interview that when the agreement for forming the Special Public Prosecution, no one was aware of the amount of material the institution would be facing.
Miloshoski said that Baily was well acquainted with the issue regarding the SPO’s mandate since he was involved in the negotiations at the MPs Clubhouse.
-Back then, SDSM suggested that SPO’s mandate should be three years, VMRO-DPMNE suggested that mandate should be one year, and the suggestion by the international community, of which Baily was the representative of, was the mandate should be 18 months. Now we have a case when someone is disputing the mandate and that someone is the person who proposed it. Their mandate expires in June and we wish them all the best until June, lets see how capable are they and what will they be able to prove – said Miloshoski.