With the assistance from the outside expert from the Swedish company “Ericsson”, today, from the auxiliary servers from the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), the Special Public Prosecution confiscated all the data required by the court order.
This afternoon, the SPO announced that as soon as the confiscated data is further analyzed, the findings will be “shared with the public in due to time”.
“Today, with the help of an outside expert provided by the manufacturer of the auxiliary servers that are owned by the telecom operators, and are physically located in the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), we seized all of the data of the other servers in accordance with the court order. We would like to clarify that the case is still a preliminary investigation and at this point we are unable to provide further information. All seized data will be analyzed and our findings will be shared with the public in due time”, said a statement from the SPO.