SPO: They should extend the 18 month deadline, it is unrealistic to conduct thorough and objective investigations


The Special Prosecutor’s office expects the relevant institutions, or to be more precise, Parliament, to take notice of the need for amending the Law regarding the SPO, and to extend the deadline of 18 months in which to complete investigations as well as file charges against all suspects, the SPO has told “Meta”.

According to them, the period of 18 months is not realistic for full objective research of all the content from the illegal wiretappings.

“This Public Prosecutor’s Office consistently points out that the deadline is inadequate and is not realistic for full objective research of all the content arising or related to the illegal monitored communications, and in that regard we expect the relevant institutions to take notice of the need for change in the legislation, which is in the interest of all the citizens of Macedonia”, said the SPO in response to our question whether the Special Prosecutor’s Office will ask (will file a motion) to Parliament for an extension of the 18 month period to complete their investigations and file charges.

In Article 22 of the Law, it states that the Public Prosecutor in charge of the Public Prosecutor’s Office may file charges or order the termination of investigative proceedings within a period no longer than 18 months from the date the cases are taken over and materials within their jurisdiction.

The Public Prosecutor at the beginning of December last year (when the 18 month period began), the SPO filed over 36 cases which arise and are associated with the illegal wiretapping.

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