The “Colourful Revolution” blocked several crossroads in the centre of Skopje


Citizens who protest and are part of the “Colourful revolution” and civil initiative “I protest” at 12:00 noon, blocked several crossroads in Skopje. The crossroads at “Bit Pazaar”, the Red Cross and Saint Clement of Ohrid, (the main Macedonian Orthodox Church in Skopje) were blocked by people carrying Macedonian flags and several vehicles with signs that read, “#I protest”.

“This blockade is for justice and freedom. This blockade is against pardons for criminals. This blockade is so the people can be heard even deeper into the system which is occupied by the regime. We ask all citizens for their patience and support! If you encounter a blockade, join us, show your support by honking your horns, for yourselves and for a free Macedonia”, wrote the “Colourful Revolution” on their “Facebook” page.

Aleksandar Mladenovski from the “Colourful Revolution” apologised to the citizens of Skopje for today’s blockades at the three intersections, but says it is in everyone’s interest.

“This system can no longer carry on as normal. They have trampled all over possible steps and plans. In the last few days, we have been threatened and are under huge pressure to stop the “Colourful Revolution” but we will not stop, we will continue in any way possible. Our demands are already known and we will be patient until they are met. Our way of protest changes from day to day, so we will continue to protest and take other measures”, said Mladenovski.

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