The Ministry of Health of North Macedonia informs that in the last 24 hours, there were 2 140 COVID testings and 364 new cases diagnosed with the disease. 184 are from the capital Skopje.
Most of the current active cases are also from Skopje – 241 in the Municipality of Centar, 240 in the Municipality of Aerodrom, 214 in the municipality of Karposh.
The Institute of Public Health of North Macedonia registered 106 recoveries and three deaths. A 73-year old patient from Ohrid, a 62-year old patient from Gostivar and 72-year old patient from Radovish died in hospital.
The total number of COVID-19 diagnosed patients in North Macedonia climbed to 19 777, the number of recoveries is 15 855, the number of deaths 775. The number of the active cases now is 3 147.