The restriction on the movement of vehicles in the city centre area, the introduction of a traffic regime on days when there are high levels of pollution, the banning of vehicles who use fuels with a lower standard of “euro 4” diesel, lowering the cost of tickets for public transport, these are just some of the measures that citizens and environmental organizations from Skopje, Tetovo, Bitola, Kocani, Kicevo demanded from authorities at the protest in front of the Government building.
They also appealed to construction companies, when the air is hugely polluted, to stop activities to reduce emissions of dust.
Environmental organisations and other associations set an ultimatum to the authorities that if these concrete measures are not taken, on January 15 protesters will block all the polluted cities.
At the protest outside the Government representatives from different organisations and various cities most affected by pollution spoke to the people.
Protest: Stop the pollution or we block all major cities on January the 15th