Hundreds of people protested again today before the Constitutional Court and demanded the resignation of the judges who voted in favour, to consider the initiative for the constitutionality of the law that dictates that people prosecuted or sentenced for electoral crime can not be pardoned.
Citizens chanted “Resign”, “Goodbye criminal gang”, “No Pasaran” and “We need to defend the Constitution from the Constitutional Judges.”
Uranija Pirovska of the Helsinki Committee said that the Constitutional Court was constituted to protect the Constitution, to protect the rights of the citizens, but after the current composition of judges voted, they are doing the opposite.
“The judges works directly under the baton of a criminal association. I will protest every day until these judges resign and until we liberate our institutions. No justice, no peace”, said Pirovska.
At today’s protest a several “bombs” were played out loud, which were published by opposition leader Zoran Zaev.
Citizens listened to the voices of the former head of UBK (The Security and Counter-Intelligence Agency) Sasho Mijalkov arranging how the Judges will vote in the Supreme Court and former Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, who was heard saying, “We’ll grab the Gypsies by the ear and take them to vote”.
Citizens threw several eggs at the building of the court, although the façade had not been cleaned from the previous protests.
This protest is the fourth in a row and organized the civil society are “Ajde.”