A group of citizens have gathered again in front of the Constitutional Court hitting pots and pans to show their anger at the courts ruling to amend the Amnesty Law, which would allow the President to pardon people convicted of various types of electoral crime.
Citizens chanted “Hard time for the Mafia”, “Resign”, “Where is our money?”, “Where there’s Grujo – there is no peace”.
One of the citizens who attended the protest said, “ They have been involved in electoral fraud, and now they want an amnesty. It does not matter if they’re ministers, whoever they are, they should be held accountable. And the President is party affiliated, that’s why the people must come out and protest. The law has to be equal for everyone, regardless whether someone from the VMRO-DMPNE has misbehaved”.
Vladimir Milcin announced that the next protest will be held at noon on Monday.
“On Monday, we will gather and demand the resignation of the people burying the Constitution. This concerns everyone who wants to live in a country where there is justice and righteousness. They think we are naive fools. So lets show them how wrong they are”, said Milcin.