During today’s address to the nation, President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski said that at the moment there is no need of extending the state of emergency. He also said the Government hasn’t submited a formal request to extend the state of emergency since it has implemented all of its economic and medical measures.
Pendarovski explained that the state of emergency wasn’t declared for the curfew, quarantine, crisis, number of infected, or deceased from the coronavirus. It was declared in order for the Government to be able to adopt decrees aimed at the economic and health are, as there is no no functioning Parliament.
During the address, he spoke about the elections, which are necessary for a functioning Parliament, as well as a legitimate and not an interim government. He stressed the dangers of the election process if it is not inclusive i.e. if VMRO-DPMNE decided not to run at the elections.
“If the organizing of the election process isn’t inclusive, it will lead to an even bigger polarization of the society, to deepening of the differences and hate speech. We shall enter into a deeper constitutional-legal crisis. The potential legal and political crisis can grow into a security crisis due to hybrid threats and false news” said Pendarovski.
He announced that he will be having a meeting with the presidents of SDSM and VMRO_DPMNE, Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski in order to arrange a leadership meeting only with them in order to clear out the difference regarding the elections’ date since a difference of two weeks for an election date i.e. 5th or 19th of July can be agreed upon.
Pendarovski said a solution must be found today and the state interests mustn’t be put above personal or political interests.
“The door towards a greater crisis will call into question out European perspectives and it will undermine our efforts to put an end to the pandemic,” said the President.
As an example of a dysfunctional Government, he told that the majority of the ministers think the citizens should be punished for not observing the protective measures while others think there should only be warnings.
Pendarovski remarked that the coronavirus situation can lower the voter turnout by 20 to 25% and to be around 50%. But, he stressed that even during a situation with a lower turnout, there should be inclusiveness at the election in order to provide legitimacy and credibility for the ones that will run the Government.