
Poll: Majority of citizens are against any change to the name


No change in the name is the attitude of almost half of the citizens or 47.1 percent, according to the latest poll by the MCIC and the Institute for Democracy, published by Telma. Only 14.4 percent of citizens would accept a “double formula”, nearly as much as 14.1 would accept a name for overall use or ‘erga omnes’. An agreed name for international organizations is acceptable to 13.6 percent of the respondents, while 10.1 percent would support an agreed name for overall international use.

The poll by the MCIC and the Institute for Democracy covered the issue of changing the Constitution, showing that this is unacceptable for 48.3 percent of citizens, compared to only 16.4 percent of which a change of the constitutional name is acceptable. Regarding ethnicity, 60.7 percent of Macedonians do not accept any change in the Constitution, while 41.8 percent of Albanians accept the constitutional name change.

The public opinion poll showed which adjective or addition of the name would be the most acceptable for citizens to reach a solution. 17.1 percent for “Gorna”, for “Skopje”, 11.9 percent, for “Nova” – 9.5, for “North” 8.1 percent and for Vardarska 5.9 percent. The majority of respondents 44, percent are not for any addition.

Regarding the issue of citizenship or nationality according to the definitions in the United Nations, out of the offered four options, the largest number of 47.9 percent stated that citizenship should be written as македонско/ Macedonian. An eventual option – a citizen of the Republic of Upper Macedonia translated into English is acceptable for 14.4 percent.The most acceptable definition of language in the United Nations for 45.7 percent is “Macedonian” – with a translation into English, while 16.5 percent find “Macedonian” written in Latin acceptable.

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