Plomp: The Nethelands will continue to be a friend and partner to Macedonia


The Netherlands has always been and will continue to be Macedonia’s friend and partner and support its Euro-Atlantic integration, on the basis of a strict and equitable approach, responded Dutch Ambassador Wouter Plomp to electronic media ‘Makfax’ piece.

“We acknowledge the progress made by Macedonian institutions over the past year in implementing reforms, including in the area of ​​rule of law. At this point, it is important to see further maintenance and deepening of these reforms through the continuous implementation of the new legislation. On 26 June, the General Affairs Council of the European Union will decide on the recommendation of the European Commission to start the negotiations”, said the Dutch ambassador in a written response.

He says the Netherlands is following the negotiations with Greece to resolve the name issue intensivelyand that it sincerely hopes that a mutually acceptable agreement will soon be reached. Plomp adds that the Netherlands will continue to support Macedonia by providing financial assistance and expertise in some of the most important areas, such as the rule of law, human rights and good governance.

Earlier, the Embassy of France stated that the conclusions for Macedonia presented by the electronic media outlet are not final, and that France’s position will be definitely determined in agreement with its European partners after the proposals for the start of negotiations by the Commission contained in the report on Macedonia and Albania will be examined by the Council (General Affairs) on June 26, and then decided by the European Council during the same month.