Mon, 17 February, 2025

Plamenka Bojcheva was appointed as the new Director of the Macedonian Agency for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information


Plamenka Bojcheva was appointed as the new Director of the Agency for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information and for her deputy was appointed Blerim Iseni. Bojcheva and Iseni were elected at the 126th parliamentary session with 55 votes in favor, 10 votes against and without any neutral.

With 58 votes in favor of and none against, Imer Aliu was appointed as the Director of the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data. For his deputy was appointed Igor Kuzevski who was elected with 59 votes in favor of and 12 against.

Agim Rushiti who is an associate professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Skopje was appointed as a Director of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

Metamorphosis Foundation has been striving for urgent solving of the problem with the lack of managers of institutions that are protecting human rights and which weren’t functioning due to the lack of managers.

By not appointing a director of the Agency for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information, the institutions were retrograding when it came to providing information according to the Law on free access to public information. They didn’t respond to the requests, so during the second half of 2018, one-fifth of the request remained unanswered.

“This was due to the fact that the Committee for Procting the Right for Free Access to Public Information that should respond to appeals is incomplete and isn’t functioning which contributed to delays in the process of deciding upon appeals. An Agency for Free Access to Oublic Information that should be controlling the institutions’ opennes
„Тоа се должи на тоа што Комисијата за заштита на правото за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер која треба да одговара на жалбите е нецелосно екипирана и не функционира цела година, со што има застој во процесот на одлучување по жалбите. Не е формирана ниту Агенција за слободенfor accessing public information and appeal to the Committee for ELections and Appointments to start working and to form this Agency” said Fani Karanfilvska Panovska at the „ – Open institutions and accountability“ conference that was organized by Metamorphosis Foundation.

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