President Stevo Pendarovski signed the decrees proclaiming the law on ratification of the Agreement between Republic of North Macedonia and Republic Greece for opening a new border crossing between the two countries, which will connect Majden and Promachoi in the Republic of Greece. He also signed the law on ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Greece for the opening of the border crossing point in the Prespa Lake region, Cabinet of the President informs.
“Pendarovski believes that opening the border crossing Majden-Promachoi and the border crossing Markova noga- Lemos between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Greece, will contribute for further development of the overall bilateral relations between the two countries, will contribute for development of the border crossing and will ease communication of the population that lives in the region of the two border crossings. President Pendarovski expects from relevant institutions their maximum effort for realization of the planned activities for opening the two-border crossings as soon as possible”, the announcement notes.