Paving the way for UCAM to build two new Baroque style faculty buildings.


Construction crews are preparing the ground-site for the construction of two new faculties, The Faculty of Physical Education and the Faculty of Information Science & Computer Engineering for the University of Saint Cyril & Methodius (UCAM), both buildings will be built in the Baroque style according to plans for the development.
To facilitate the construction trees will be cut down, greenery destroyed and replaced by metal fencing.
A statement from the student plenum, stated that the decision to build these two new faculty buildings is problematic in many ways.
“According to our knowledge the Senate has is undecided on the proposed construction of two new faculty building on the campus of UCAM, Hence, we believe that any decision imposed to go ahead with the construction of these new facilities is a breach of University autonomy, secondly, the planned location is problematic, owing to the high number of existing students. If one then factors in the extra number of new students who will use the new Faculty’s to an already deteriorating traffic situation on campus, along with the destruction of so much of the greenery and trees that surround the University ” said Orhan Sulejmani, a member of the student plenum
In Orhan Sulejmani’s opinion, the choice of the Baroque style does not fit in with the existing reconstructed campus.
“There’s no need to even discuss the irony of building the Faculty of Information Technology in Baroque style, the choice of the Baroque style is a huge insult to the students who are the driving force in the country” Sulejmani went on to point out.
The first Cornerstones of the new buildings are due to be laid on December 20.