On Thursday, at a plenary session, Parliament decided to approve the request from the Skopje Basic Court to revoke the immunity and to detain MPs Krsto Mukovski, Ljuben Arnaudov, Johan Tarculovski, Sašo Vasilevski, Ljupco Dimovski and Žaklina Peshevska, due to their participation in the violence that occurred on April 27th, this year, in Parliament.
Every MP was voted for separately, and the session was boycotted by MPs from VMRO-DPMNE. As for MPs Krsto Mukovski, Sašo Vasilevski and Ljupco Dimovski, MPs decided to approve the detainment with 67 votes “for” and none against and there were no abstentions, while for Ljuben Arnaudov, Johan Tarculovski and Žaklina Peshevska, MPs voted with 66 votes “for”.
At the brief discussion, the coordinator of the SDSM parliamentary group, Tomislav Tuntev, said that on April 27th, he entered the “shameful state of the country” and that the incident must be cleared up.
Artan Grubi from DUI said that what happened on April 27th should be a lesson for everyone and that everyone must be equal before the law.
“It was a difficult day for democracy and for our society and country. Those scenes must never be repeated and for this we all bare responsibility”, Grubi added.