At today’s parliamentary session, the Law on the Termination of Pregnancy was adopted and passed, allowing women to exercise the right to a safe termination of pregnancy and abolish the existing administrative procedures and barriers that delay the implementation of the procedure for terminating a pregnancy, announced the Ministry of Health.
“The decision to terminate a pregnancy as a special medical intervention for which a pregnant woman should freely decide is based on conscious, without coercion from anyone and on the basis of objective information related to the intervention itself. The termination of a pregnancy, as before, will be performed in a hospital or health institution which has a gynecological obstetric unit in its composition. This law will introduce, for the first time, the possibility of a legal abortion by the ninth gestation week with a medicament method and in a health institution with primary health care”, reads the statement.
The new law provides for the termination of a pregnancy to be performed until the expiration of the twelfth gestation week with the written consent of the pregnant woman in question. If the pregnant woman is a minor or is not fully conscious, the termination of the pregnancy can be carried out with the written consent of the parents or guardians of the pregnant woman.