World Balkans Pangalos: Venizelos second to the leader of Golden Dawn by repulsion

Pangalos: Venizelos second to the leader of Golden Dawn by repulsion

Theodoros Pangalos fiercely criticized Evangelos Venizelos and George Papandreou for the internal discord in PASOK. According to the former Minister and Deputy Prime Minister from PASOK, neither the current, nor the previous leader of PASOK would save the Greek Socialist Party. In general, according to Pangalos, PASOK is already finished and the party is doomed.
– PASOK is finished. A new party is needed, but it won’t be formed in the way Venizelos sees fit – stated Pangalos regarding the idea for forming a center-left offered by the current leader of PASOK.
According to him, Venizelos and Papandreou put their interests in front of the interests of the party, something that he considers a complete political failure which led PASOK to the current impasse.
– Neither of them is useful for the future of PASOK. 90 percent of citizens requested PASOK to withdraw from the political scene, which affects Papandreou as well. Also, only 11 percent of people have a positive opinion for Venizelos. It makes him the most repulsive Greek political leader, second to Michaloliakos (leader of Golden Dawn) – stated Pangalos for radio To Vima.