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Monday hot political agenda

Today is a day rich in political events. After yesterday's protest of SDSM in front of the government in Skopje, national gathering in front of...

Zaev will remain with citizens in front of the Government

After sending the guests from abroad, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev returned in front of the Government. He said that he will stay will the...

Booths, bars and chairs are set in front of the Government

Citizens protesting in front of the Government brought booths, tables, chairs and bars, and a stage on which a DJ is to perform is...

Shilegov: We remain in front of the Government

Even when the crowd clears up, we remain here - said SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov for META. He added that stages and scenes will be...

Zaev from the protest: Gruevski, don’t stall, you’re finished, go away!

"We came for our future. I’m sending a concrete, clear message on behalf of all of us here, Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Serbs, Bosnians,...

MEPs demanded the return of democracy

Activist Maria Jones sent a message to "all undecided, and all who ignore everything" that the street will show them that not only we...

Milchin: We came to liberate freedom

Macedonia, our mother, can you see how many people love you here and now, said director and manager of the Foundation "Open Society -...

Kleptocracy government never again, recommend citizens

Protest outside the Government, organized by civil society organizations and opposition parties, is in full swing. The anthem was played at the beginning, and...

Stanishev and Howitt arrived at the protest

The protest in Skopje is also attended by MEPs Sergei Stanishev from Bulgaria and Richard Howitt from the UK. Thousands of citizens gathered in...

We demand their resignation because they are stealing, manipulating and terrorizing the people

Citizens who gathered in Skopje at today’s protest demand resignations and final freedom of the Macedonian people. - We are coming from Kumanovo, from the...

20 tons of water supplied for the opposition gathering

Citizens began to gather for the gathering of the opposition, which is scheduled to start in front of the Government in an hour. According to...

The gathering of VMRO-DPMNE will take place tomorrow at 8 pm in front of the Assembly

At today’s press conference, Ivica Konevski, Mayor of the Municipality of Aerodrom, on behalf of all mayors, called on Skopje citizens to join the...

Котевски: Ангажиравме „соодветен број“ полицајци за протестот

„Соодветен број полициски службеници“ ќе бидат ангажирани  од Министреството за внатрешни работи (МВР) за обезбедување и за одржување на редот и на мирот на...

Stage, water, sound – everything is ready for the great civic gathering

Near the government, at the intersection of boulevards Ilinden and Kliment Ohridski stage for today's civic gathering is already set. Sound is also set at...

More than 3,000 Bitola citizens went to protest in Skopje

More than 3,000 people from Bitola went on the road to Skopje to support the opposition gathering. The long row from Bitola contains 19...

Zaev: 4,600 citizens want to camp outside the government

At today’s press conference, on which he announced "32nd bomb ", when asked, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said that 4,600 citizens have said that...

Zaev: This Government works on the destruction of coexistence

At the beginning of today's press conference, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev published conversation between Sasho Mijalkov and an interlocutor in which celebration, shootings and...

Three parties have joined the opposition bloc

Today, three other parties - New alternative of Gjorgji Orovchanec, United pensioners and citizens of Macedonia of Ilija Nikolovski and the Party of economic...

Escaped terrorist Osmani: In Kumanovo, we fought for Albanian state in Macedonia

Sulejman Osmani, terrorist who escaped the police day after the action in Kumanovo, in an interview for Kosovo television RTK said that the aim...

Streets and police vehicles in Kumanovo blocked

Because of the situation, there is increased police presence in Kumanovo, said Ivo Kotevski to the question what is happening in this city. He would...