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Political parties congratulate Ss. Cyril and Methodius

VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, Assembly Speaker Trajko Veljanovski congratulated May 24 - Day of Slavic educators and teachers, holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, to the citizens. -...

Education and language, themes that will be discussed in the camp in front of the Government

Today there will be several activities in honor of the celebration of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in the "camp of liberty" in front of...

Every planted palm tree costs us 500 euros

Enterprise "Macedonian Forests" paid around 500 euros per stem for the palm trees which will be planted around towns in Macedonia in the following...

Sweden won the Eurovision, Macedonian points invalid

With the song "Heroes", Måns Zelmerlöw from Sweden is the winner of the 60th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, with 365 points won....

Груевски во Рим привлекува италијански инвестиции

Премиерот Никола Груевски и министерот за привлекување странски инвестиции, Џери Наумоф, оствариле средба со италијански бизнисмени во Рим. Ним им биле презентирани можностите за...

US Embassy: Lavrov’s claims are absurd

Accusations that the United States was involved in a plot to destabilize Macedonia are absurd, stated the US Embassy in Skopje for "Nova TV". The...

Eight paroles and an imprisonment sentence for protesters of 5th of May

Eight out of the nine protesters who were accused of violence during the protests in front of the Government on 5th of May, were...

Mediterranean palm trees to be planted in Ohrid

Along the promenade of the city quay, but also in front of the Centre for Water Training, today employees in PE "Ohridski Komunalec", together...

Strahil Angelov condemned Stanishev’s presence at the protests in Skopje

The leader of the Party of European Socialists and former president of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Sergei Stanishev fails to justify his presence...

Government to appoint new directors of UBK and PSB on Tuesday

The new directors of the Security and Counterintelligence Agency (UBK) and Public Security Bureau (PSB) will be known on Tuesday, for when a regular...

Zurich did not confirm the incident with the government plane

"At present, the Federal Office for Civil Aviation (FOCA) has no information of an incident or any additional information. Also, we do not know...

Calm before a storm in the political life in Macedonia?

Bombs, protests, arrests, police action in Kumanovo, resignations, gatherings, setting up camps, leadership meetings, negotiations in Brussels...The past few weeks have been full of...

Gruevski’s plane forced to land in Zurich

The government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who was returning from Strasbourg, was forced to land in Zurich, says "Telma". - According to...

Reaction of MFA: Blockades and threats do not contribute to peace and stability in the region

All blockades, blockades threats and statements offering excuses against our membership are not in the spirit of European values and not conducive to peace...

Mutual accusations between Gruevski and Greek MEPs in Strasbourg

New Democracy MEP Maria Spiraki faced directly with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on the views on the lack of democracy and democratic values of...

Today first session of the Government after the resignation of Jankuloska, Janakieski and Mijalkov

Government session, the first session after the session ten days ago (12th of May, Tuesday), when the resignations of the Ministers of Interior and...

Europe is developing a strategy for Macedonia following the example of Ukraine?

The start of negotiations between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and president of SDSM Zoran Zaev opened the dilemma whether Macedonia would be assisted with...

Chambers of Commerce warn: If the crisis is not resolved, we are headed towards bankruptcy

If you spend and do not add, if there are no investments and new production, there is no possibility for loans and sources of...

Announcement for all-night protests in Bitola for the resignation of Mayor Taleski

Bitola citizens announce that all-night protests in front of the Municipality of Bitola, which will last until Mayor Vladimir Taleski resigns, will start next...

Macedonia still thinking what to officially say about Rama’s statement regarding NATO

State agencies in charge of foreign policy of Macedonia are still without a position on the statement of Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama,...