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Hahn requested implementation of the agreed and immediate continuation of talks

In a statement sent to the media late yesterday after the meeting with political leaders in Skopje, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn emphasized that the...

Campers divided about early elections as well

"This is the first defeat of Gruevski. We will leave with muzzles and drums when he resigns" this was the comment of the campers...

If transitional government is not arranged by 10th of June, there will be no early elections

If transitional government is not arranged by 10th of June, the agreement for elections in April is canceled, reports "Nova TV". After the long and...

Hahn: Early parliamentary elections will be held by the end of April next year

EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that the early parliamentary elections will be held in April next year. Hahn gave a statement accompanied with the four...

Public spending decreases, the crisis takes its toll

Public spending is one of the first indicators of economic conditions and is the first to strike if there is a crisis. Any reduction in...

New elections are sure to come, the only thing to be arranged is who the organizer will be 

Slowly, the physiognomy of what is on the table in Brussels and in the Club of Representatives is used up, which is that the...

Kammenos caught in a lie about the cost of his trip to the US

Greek media accuse the coalition partner of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Defence Minister Panos Kammenos for a lie about the exact...

Young people think that Macedonia is not ready to join the EU

The support for Macedonia's membership in the EU is still large and unchanged compared with March 2014. However, the factor "name change" of the...

New “bomb” of SDSM: Stavreski and Jankulovska bought apartments in the same building

SDSM spokesman, Peter Schilegov, today announced new recorded conversations in which the Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, advises former Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, on...

March against the educational reforms

Teachers, high school students and parents today marched through the center of Skopje because of the poor educational reforms. With shouts of "Not for the...

Gruevski: SDSM should learn that you only get ministers and prime minister in elections

SDSM should learn that the choice of ministers and government is only possible on the elections with the support of the majority of the...

“The high school students’ plenum” supported the protest of the teachers

"High School students’ plenum" will support the announced protest march of the "Teachers’ plenum" against bad reforms introduced in the educational process in Macedonia...

Humanitarian race for the children of SOS Children’s Village

The second charity bicycle tour for children in the Children's Village, will begin today at the SOS Children's Village. Ljupco and his friend Daniel from...

A protest march from the Government to the Ministry of Culture against the “Skopje 2014”

SDSM members today at 18 pm marched from the camp of freedom by the Government to the Ministry of Culture in protest against the...

Gruevski: Only the people can compile Government in elections

Our position has been and will be that the government can be compiled only by the people and the citizens of Macedonia in elections...

Gruevski: Macedonia has growth of 223 percent in the number of jobs created

Macedonia is in the first place with growth of 223 percent in the number of jobs created per capita in Europe, Slovakia is second...

Jelovjane does not give the last water spring

The villagers from the Shar-Mountain village Jelovjane will defend the last water source from which the village is supplied with drinking water with human...

A plane from World War II was Found in Ohrid Lake

Milutin Sekulovski - Mikjo, international diving instructor from Ohrid, completed the action of search diving the coastal area of the lake, transmitted West. – We...

An explosive device was found in front of the Government

A citizen of Skopje two weeks ago found a mine-explosive device bearing 30mm AGL sign, in front of the Government of the Republic of...

The school year will still end on June 10

The Ministry of Education announced that however the school year will end on June 10. The directors of the secondary schools where students boycotted...