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German laboratory confirmed the authenticity of wiretapped conversations

Based on an analysis of one of the telephone conversations published by the opposition, between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and one of the ministers,...

City of Skopje sponsors events that promote homophobia

The poster for the announcement of "Moto Festival 2015", whose official and main sponsor is the City of Skopje, again contains homophobic symbol -...

Hahn: I hope this will be a good day for the future of the country

"The meeting has just begun and I hope this will be a good day for the future of the country." This was posted by...

Hahn will first “break” leaders separately, and then as a group

Leaders of four largest political parties in the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DMNE), Zoran Zaev (SDSM), Menduh Thaci (DPA) and Ali Ahmeti (DUI),...

Electricity price to be raised by 10 percent from August?

New electricity price, higher by even 10 percent, citizens will pay as of August, say sources of energy companies. Professional services of the Energy...

MOI is boasting about the police action in Kumanovo

"Police officers who were in charge of keeping one of the arrested members of the terrorist group in Kumanovo, who managed to escape, acted...

Seniority can be redeemed for 2,800 denars per month

With these amendments, the insured who was employed but contributions for pension and disability insurance were not paid for the period up to 31st...

The unemployment rate in the first quarter was 27.3 percent

The unemployment rate in the first quarter this year in Macedonia is 27.3 percent, according to the State Statistical Office. 262,140 people are unemployed...

Sixty civil society organizations submitted a written reaction to the international community

On the occasion of tomorrow's talks in Brussels and the latest statement by Commissioner Johannes Hahn, 61 civic organizations submitted a written reaction to...

Zaev decided to go to Brussels

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, along with the delegation, will attend tomorrow's meeting in Brussels with EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn. "The statement by EU Commissioner...

Skopje square will light up and burst with 128 lights and nozzles

The new face of City Square is ready and fences that enclosed it started being removed. And it should be officially promoted soon. As planned, fountain...

Twelve Maoist murdered

At least 12 Maoist rebels were killed today when they clashed with the Indian police in the East of India. Police took action near the...

One month after “Kumanovo”: Facts, contradictions, speculations and silent institutions…

Exactly one month since the bloody conflict between the police and the terrorist group in Kumanovo Divo naselje, in which eight members of the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev confirmed that Soros runs SDSM

Zoran Zaev today again confirmed that he is not SDSM leader and that his party is led by the Soros Foundation, reads the reaction...

Deralla: I feel violated

None of the tapped activists who today got folders with wiretapped conversations by the leader of the opposition was surprised that their phone numbers...

Kotevski: We have information and warned of retaliatory actions for Kumanovo

We have operative information that some supporters of the terrorist group that was liquidated in Kumanovo have plans to kidnap officials of the Ministry...

Zaev: Gruevski and Mijalkov monitored and bugged NGOs for years

At today’s press conference, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev stated that Nikola Gruevski and Sasho Mijalkov monitored and bugged numerous NGOs for years. He said...

Monument of Tsar Samoil in Sofia revealed, his eyes will not glow after all

With an honorary guard and tolling of the bells of temple "Alexander Nevsky", Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev revealed the monument of Tsar Samoil today...

SDSM awaiting statement from Hahn, Brussels is silent

EU Commissioner for enlargement today won’t give a media statement, as it was mentined in Friday's announcement of SDSM, after the telephone conversation between...

The voting of the diaspora to be disputed in the new Electoral Code?

Diaspora voting is the only thing on which the parties last year, while changing the Electoral Code, failed to agree and left it to...