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Zaev at a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister: Gruevski’s withdrawal is necessary

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and vice-president of the party Radmila Shekerinska today, in the frames of the Congress of the Party of European Socialists...

UNHCR: The situation of refugees passing through the Western Balkans is very difficult

The growing number of refugees and immigrants who use less famous Western Balkan route, through which are trying to reach Europe, face major risks,...

Movement “Besa” to protest today, it will demand the resignation of the government of Gruevski and Ahmeti

Today afternoon, movement "Besa” will hold a peaceful protest, on which, as they announced, "the resignation of the government of Nikola Gruevski and Ali...

DUI presidency disappointed by the failure of negotiations

At the meeting held today, Presidency of the General Council of DUI discussed the latest political developments in the country since the political parties...

DUI announced the agreement of 2nd of June, it is unclear if it is still valid

Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) today announced the whole agreement which all four party leaders, Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci,...

OSCE: Gruevski and Zaev to redouble efforts for a lasting compromise

All lost yesterday: the parties, the people of Macedonia, as well as the international community that cares about the future of your country, reads...

Memeti on the treatment of immigrants: Inhuman, unhealthy, undignified

Immigrants in the reception center for foreigners in Gazi Baba are housed in conditions that are worse than those in custody, stated Ombudsman Idzhet...

Chavkov will push the Law on Asylum to be adopted in shorted procedure

On Tuesday next week, at a session of the Government, the draft amendments to the Law on asylum and temporary protection, which should facilitate...

The number of tourists in April increased by 17.6 percent in comparison with last year

According to data of the State Statistical Office, the number of tourists in April 2015 amounted to 52,298, while the number of nights spent...

SDSM welcomed Hahn’s effort to resolve the crisis

The views of SDSM on the occasion of the held meeting are presented in the statements of party functionaries and official declarations of the...

Hahn requests greater media freedom from Balkan governments

In a video address to the regional conference of BIRN in Sarajevo "Challenges to media freedom," EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn sated that the...

Zaev: It will be revealed who is the politician guilty for not reaching an agreement in Brussels

Today, after returning from Brussels, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said that it will be revealed which is the politician because of who an agreement...

MOI found 128 immigrants and a murdered convicted in 2001 in Vaksince

In today's action, teams of the department to combat organized and serious crime at the Ministry of Interior (MOI) raided a dozen buildings in...

Is the agreement on early elections canceled?

Political parties to come up with concrete proposals, reads part of the statement of the European Commission at a meeting of EU Enlargement Commissioner...

Laurence Auer: Negotiations for exiting the crisis to continue in the same format

We support EU Commissioner Hahn and emphasize that negotiations should continue in the same format in order to give an opportunity to find a...

Hahn left us to surmise who is “without a sense of responsibility and leadership”

Who does yesterday’s tweet of EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn after the unsuccessful negotiations in Brussels "... I am disappointed by the lack of a...

What they said about the fiasco of negotiations in Brussels

Negotiations that lasted more than 12 hours in Brussels between the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DPA and DUI, Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti...

Without success in Brussels: For Zaev, Gruevski is guilty, for Gruevski, Zaev is afraid of elections

The last round of negotiations between SDSM and VMRO DPMNE in Brussels ended unsuccessfully. According to EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, talks were open and detailed...

Hardly reconcilable views of the Brussels round

VMRO and SDSM stand behind their positions and it is not probable that an agreement would be reached during this round in Brussels, inform...

Announcements for a long negotiating night in Brussels

Although there were brief hopes that negotiations are nearing their end, again no information is communicated for the building of the European Commission in...