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SDSM: Will not allow the Przhino Agreement not to be respected

Zoran Zaev, the leader of SDSM, visited Berovo today where he met MPs from his and coalition parties, says in the announcement by the...

Kurz: EU must help Macedonia with immigrants

The EU  must help Macedonia with their current situation which has become quite dramatic, as the country has been left isolated and alone to...

Election math: 3+3+3 for DIK and 2+2 for the Electoral list

The political parties-signatories to the Przhino Agreement and their Action groups will discuss tomorrow about the electoral list and voting in the diaspora. Meta previously...

Chavkov and Kurz visit the border zone at the Macedonia – Greece border

Minister of Interior Mitko Chavkov and the Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, who is visiting the country, will visit the town Gevgelija which was...

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM admitted the lie on which they have based all of their political actions

  With today's reaction the SDSM admitted that they know they are going to lose the coming parliamentary elections and by doing that they admitted...

Chavkov: The EU doesn’t have a consistent solution for dealing with this humanitarian catastrophe; Our efforts can only go...

The problem with the refugees is a world issue, it isn’t a Macedonian nor a Greek issue. This is why we need an international...

SDSM: Gruevski was caught with his hand in the voting box and is ready to do anything now

A government that is stable can only be achieved in a fair and regular election where the voters can express their will without feeling...

VMRO-DPMNE is proposing 17 additional seats in the Assembly for the majority party

VMRO-DPMNE is suggesting a majority election model and 17 additional seats in parliament for the party that will win the next elections- said today...

Gruevski visited the villages Morane, Studenichani and Dolno Kolichani

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski accompanied the Minister of Transport Vlado Misajlovski, deputy Education Minister Spiro Ristovski, the mayor of Skopje Koce Trajanovski and directors...

Kambovski: We are faced with a total flattening between State and party

The Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences (MANU) held a yearly conference at the Urania House in Ohrid titled "Macedonia - How to Move...

5000 Migrants have crossed from Macedonia into Preshevo

About 5000 migrants who entered Macedonia yesterday, left this morning by taxis, buses, minibuses and are reaching Serbia in steady numbers, reports the media...

4000 Migrants overflowed Gevgelija – The Government lifted the border blockade

Just few hours after groups of migrants penetrated the police cordon on the Macedonia-Greece border and made their way into the country, the police...

Migrants penetrate the police and army cordon – The police responds by firing stun grenades

A group of migrants penetrated the cordon made of police and army troops. The migrants are moving towards the train station in Gevgelija, reports...

MVR: 826 migrants entered Macedonia in the past 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, starting from 8 o’clock in the morning, the authorities have given temporary stay permits to 826 foreign nationals, of...

Human Rights Watch: Macedonia must prevent the use of violence against migrants by the police

The government of Macedonia needs to put a stop to the violence by the police against the emigrants who are on the south border,...

Due to the migrant crisis, Bulgaria dispatches army troops along its border with Macedonia and Greece

Bulgaria has dispatched army personnel on the borders with Macedonia and Greece due to the critical situation with the migrants, announced the government of...

Quiet day in Gevgelija – Small groups of migrants are crossing the border

The situation on the Macedonian-Greek border at Gevgelija is quiet. Around 600 migrants crossed the border during the night and headed to the Tabanovce...

Helsinki Human Rights Committee: The Government is dealing with the migrants in inadequate ways

The government does not have an adequate way of dealing with the migrant crisis, it uses force against migrants and doesn’t allow humanitarian activists...

MVR: The police force at the border is going to receive help from the army

Members of the Republic of Macedonia Army (ARM) are going to join their colleagues from the special police who are guarding the south border...

Kraus: UNHCR doesn’t condone closing of borders and hasn’t received information of the alleged violence

The UNHCR doesn’t condone the closing of the borders by any country in the world, but at this point doesn’t not have information that...