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Van Haute: We are close to reaching a deal

Today we discussed election laws and I must say that there is serious progress, said the Belgian expert Peter van Haute following the meeting...

Germany will donate 1 million euro for giving care to the refugees

The Foreign Ministry of Germany gives a short-term funding of 1 million euro for humanitarian purposes and for helping decrease the severe situation of...

European Commission will give 1.5 million euro to Macedonia and Serbia to help with the refugee problem

The European Commission allowed additional 1.5 million euro in humanitarian help for Macedonia and Serbia to give appropriate care and temporary housing conditions to...

Mizo: We don’t negotiate the wages with foreign investors

The standard incentive packet that was given to Technical Textile, the foreign investment that was promoted today in Shtip, includes a tax relief for...

Gruevski announced open an unfinished factory in Shtip

In a hall with around forty knitting and embroidery machines, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced the start of production in the German factory Technical...

Kurz: Without a EU perspective, Bosnia and Kosovo are in danger of Islamic extremism

The Foreign Minister of Austria Sebastian Kurz said West Balkan countries must not face a blocked road to the EU because some of the,...

Action groups: Will they agree on the active registration of voters?

The new meeting of the Action groups, signatories of the Przhino Agreement, are meeting around the issue of the electoral list, the State Elections...

Van Haute: The negotiations are moving slowly but I am optimistic

The representatives of the parties that signed the Przhino Agreement ended their talks today about the electoral list. The Belgian facilitator Peter van Haute...

Doctors Without Borders are still waiting to get a permit to give aid to the refugees in Gevgelija

The humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders still hasn’t received a permit to give medical care to the refugees that are coming to Macedonia. The...

Poposka: LGBTI people are orphans in their own country

Member of Parliament Liljana Popovska of DOM commented today that the Legislative commission of the Assembly is losing its credibility. Popovska said that all...

No light at the end of the tunnel: Many refugees leave and just as many arrive on the Greek...

New way of migrants and refugees, mostly coming from Syria, is expected to reach the Macedonian border to the south. Greek media repored that...

Macedonia and Serbia are forming a joint refuge zone

The new agreement that will be ratified by the governments of Macedonia and Serbia will determine border procedures of the border crossing at the...

Bulgaria fortifies security on border crossings to Macedonia

Bulgaria is sending armored vehicles at four border crossings with Macedonia to help its border police to deal with a sudden flow of refugees. “We...

The Action groups will try to agree about the electoral list today

The Action groups formed by representatives of the biggest political parties, signatories of the Przhino Agreement, will resume their meetings today in order to...

Prime Minister Gruevski meets with Bulgarian Minister for Foreign Affairs

The Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski met with Bulgaria's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Daniel Mitov. Both men agreed that the two countries have a positive relationship,...

Gruevski: Why would SDSM refuse the 17 MPs proposal if they were certain they will win?

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski was bemused of the opposition’s decision to refuse the proposal for 17 additional MPs for the party that wins the...

Zaev: The people will gain if there is a single electoral unit

The large political parties will lose if Macedonia becomes a single electoral unit, but in that case the citizens will benefit most, along with...

New migrant reception center opens in Gevgelija

During the third meeting today at the Headquarters for Crisis Management, which took place in the Crisis Management Center (CUK), the attendees proposed measures...

Gruevski visits the flooded villages in the Tetovo region

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski visited the villages Tearce and Poroj, which were flooded during the severe storm that caught the region. He was accompanied...

Kotevski: The emergency situation is still in force until there are safe conditions for it to be revoked

The decision to declare an emergency situation on Wednesday, August 19, was brought by the Government due to the large inflow of refugees and...