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SDSM returns to parliament tomorrow

The opposition coalition headed by SDSM will return to the national assembly tomorrow, as was agreed in the Przhino Agreement which the four big...

Polls in Greece suggest a narrow race for Parliament

Public opinion polling in Greece, taken three weeks before the early elections, show the race for Government will be very narrow and that the...

EU calls for an emergency meeting to discuss the refugee crisis

  The European Union called for an emergency meeting where its member states will discuss the escalation of the migrant crisis, reports the BBC. According to...

Berisha: Federalization of Macedonia is the only chance to solve the inter-ethnic crisis

The former President and Prime Minister of Albania Sali Berisha claims that federalization of Macedonia is the only chance of solving the inter-ethnic crisis. Berisha...

The High School Plenum called for a public gathering on September 1

  The members of the High School Students' Plenum are calling people to join a public gathering in the "Journalists Park", across the Education Ministry,...

Gruevski: Zaev is making threats to raise the moral in his party

The threats by the leader of the SDSM, Zoran Zaev, to press crominal charges is part of the folklore of raising th emoral among...

Zaev: There will be legal proceedings before the elections

At the moment we are negotiating the special public prosecutor, who is going to have authority and will be able to initiatie legal proceedings...

Hahn: Negotiations are showing progress

In an interview for the Austrian newspaper Standard, the European Commissioner Johanes Hahn said the opposition must return to Parliament, as was previously agreed. -After...

Hungary: Three years prison for migrants who cross the border illegaly

There will be sharper punishment for refugees and migrants who will cross the state border illegaly, says the Hungarian government following their proposal for...

Erdogan confirms the new Government’s cabinet

The president of Turkey, Redzep Taipp Erdogan approved the new Government's cabinet that was proposed by Prime Minister Ahmet Davitoglu. The new government includes a...

UNHCR: 300,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean

  The number of refugees and migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean in order to reach Europe has passed the number 300,000, reports the UN...

International Conference in Ohrid: The Migrant Crisis is a Threat to International Security

The Marshal Center – Macedonia and NATO are organizing a two-day conference that discusses the transnational threats with a focus on the migrant crisis....

EU pledges 600 million euro to the West Balkan

  At the summit in Vienna, the European Union pledged 600 million euro to West Balkan countries. The money will be used on energy, rail and...

Poposki and Dacic pressed the EU over the refugees problem

Macedonia is facing a unique problem – inflow of migrants “from EU countries”, said the first Macedonian diplomat, Nikola Poposki at the press conference...

ARM: We will stay at the border as long as necessary

Macedonian Army Soldiers (ARM) who were dispatched to the south border, two days after the Government declared an emergency situation because of the large...

Hahn: EU is giving 600 million euro to West Balkans for infrastructure development

EU Commissioner for expansion Johanes Hahn tweeted today that the EU has given 600 million euro to West Balkan countries for infrastructure projcects. Infrastructure connectivity...

Vienna is hosting the West Balkans Summit

The two-day conference dedicated to the West Balkans started in Vienna yesterday. The event is a continuation of the so called Berlin process, that...

The Action groups will discuss the public prosecutor today

The representatives of the big political parties will discuss the special public prosecutor who will have authority in investigating the cases "Putsch" and the...

West Balkans won against the EU – Gruevski scored two goals

  The West Balkan football team won against the EU team 4 to 2 in the match that took place in Vienna that was part...

The Action groups will discuss about the media on September 2

The political parties’ Action groups in the Przhino Agreement negotiations will discuss reforms in the media starting September 2, reports Vest, citing its own...