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In the past 24 hours, more then 2000 confirmations were issued for asylum seekers

In the past 24 hours, the Ministry for Internal Affairs (MIA) issued certificates for people who have expressed intentions to seek asylum. In total...

“Koha”: From the 600 new police officers, 46 will be Albanian

From the 600 new police officers to be recruited, 46 will be Albanian, The process for the selection of candidates who will offered positions...

MP’s from SDSM still waiting to start work with the parliamentary committees

Four parliamentary committees are scheduled for today for meetings, however new MP's from SDSM are not going to take part in any of them. Goran Sugarevski...

Uzunov: We are borrowing to pay back debt

The Government, at the beginning of this month, borrowed another 7.3 Euros from its own economy. Largest buyers of annual Macedonian Denar Bonds were, ...

VMRO DPMNE: SDSM in a state of panic because court ruling is according to the law

General Secretary from SDSM Oliver Spasovski calls the court's ruling 'Illegal' in his statement today. VMRO-DPMNE react to Oliver Spasovski's statement today by saying that...

US Embassy: Government and other parties not to sabotage the appointing of a special prosecutor

In a Press Release from its Embassy in Skopje, the USA today "urged the government, all political parties and the peoples of Macedonia to...

Kocijancic: EC does not comment in early stages of court proceedings

The European Commission expects all court proceeding in the country to be  conducted with the utmost respect of the principles of national and international...

SDSM: The decision by the court over the ‘Bombshells’ is illegal

Today, during the break at the talks between the various political parties, Oliver Spasovski (the General Secretary at SDSM) claimed that the Prime Minister, Nikola...

New Special Prosecutor appointment in jeopardy before being chosen?

The Agreement of Przino was seriously undermined yesterday by the decision made by Skopje's Court, when they pronounced evidence as invalid, more accurately ,...

European Commission welcomes the return of the opposition to Parliament

  The European Commission has welcomed the return of the opposition to Parliament. EC spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said that now is the time Parliament should...

“Secondary Plenum”: This year we will fight poor reforms

A Several hundred high school students gathered on the first day of school in front of the Ministry of Education and Science, and in...

Gruevski: It’s time for the opposition to earn their wages

"Enough is enough, it is time for the opposition to earn their wages", stated the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski for today's occasion of the...

Dimovski: We will not allow Parliament to be a tool for SDSM’s intrests

Parliament have adopted a series of important laws and decisions which will affect citizens directly, and be in their interest, while MPs from SDSM...

Zaev: If a special prosecutor is not chosen by the 15th of September, the Treaty of Przino will be...

"On May the 28th last year, from this place I put forward that Nikola Gruevski must take responsibility for the criminal conduct during elections." stated...

MPM cut wages while journalists protest

Journalists from newsrooms of three daily newspapers published by "Media Print Macedonia" ("Dnevnik", "Utrinski vesnik", "West") today, at noon, held a protest in front...

SDSM: Taxpayers money for expensive quay will end up in someone’s pocket

Jovan Stojanoski the coordinator of the advisory group for SDSM in Ohrid, reported that at the meeting with the council of the Multiplicity of...

SDSM returns to Parliament today

After a 15 month boycott, MP's from the opposition should be returning to Parliament today. The return of SDSM MP's to Parliament today, and their...

Mogherini: The doors to Europe can’t remain shut

Frederica Mogherini, the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy, who also holds office as Vice-President of the...

High School Plenum vs Prime Minister: Gruevski quicker at the trigger

One day before the public gathering that the High School Students’ Plenum is organizing in the Park of Journalists, Prime Minister Gruevski announced in...

Zaev is not going to appear in the courtroom next Monday

The leader of the Social Democrats (SDSM) Zoran Zaev is not going to appear in front of the Criminal court in Skopje on September...