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Bogoevski’s testimony on the ‘Magyar Telecom’ affair has caused a stir at DUI

DUI (The Democratic Union for Integration) which are the largest Albanian party in Macedonia, and currently in coalition with the ruling party will file...

While working groups negotiate, VMRO count their members and have been campaiging

In recent days local committees from VMRO-DPMNE have been working on their membership, making lists of active members, passive members, and supporters who have...

Poposki in Luxemburg: Macedonia expects to be treated like any other EU member state

Macedonian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nikola Poposki attended a working breakfast in Luxemburg with diplomats from established EU nations, as well as nations with...

VMRO-DPMNE: While SDSM were not working, we were implementing laws in the interest of our citizens

"While Ms. Dimova and her colleagues from SDSM were absent from work, MP's from VMRO-DPMNE had more than 20,000 direct meetings with citizens," responds...

In the last 3 months, 60, 421 certificates have been issued to migrants passing through

In the past 24 hours, police issued 1,462 certificates expressing intent to file an application for asylum , most migrant are Syrian nationals, announced...

Dimova: Parliamentary sessions will be open to the public

The Parliamentary group of the SDSM, who have only returned to Parliament in the last 5 days, intend to open all sessions to public...

Zaev: I am optimistic about the selection procedure for the special prosecutor

The President of SDSM Zoran Zaev expressed optimism that at the beginning of next week  negotiating teams of the political parties will state their...

Macedonia, Serbia, Austria and Hungary Memorandum On Refugee Crisis

Macedonian Interior Minister Mitko Chavkov, at today's Conference in Ohrid, dedicated to the migrant crisis. said   "As a country, we have been left...

Treneska Deskoska-elected Vice-President of Parliament

At today's session in Parliament, after hours of debate, MP's voted Renata Treneska-Deskoska for vice president of the Assembly. 87 MPs voted for the proposal,...

UNHCR: 5,600 refugees arrived in Macedonia yesterday

Around 5,600 refugees and immigrants arrived in Macedonia from Greece on Thursday. UNHCR say this number is double than the number of people arriving...

British Embassy: A full investigation is needed regarding the intercepted audio recordings

Allegations stemming from wiretapped conversations are serious and merit a full and transparent investigation, So said, a statement from the United Kingdom's Embassy concerning...

International opinion expresses support for special prosecutor

In a statement released by the Basic Court Skopje 1 defending the court's decision made at the preliminary hearing stage, Judges have complained that...

The prosecution appeals decision to suspend “bombs”

The Public Prosecutor's Office,  despite the expiry of the deadline, have appealed the decision made by the judge from the previous court proceedings to...

Mehmeti: The Framework Agreement needs revision

The Vice President of DUI, Emira Mehmeti is the first representative from the party to suggest a revision of the Framework Agreement, reports the newspaper...

Working Groups: Special prosecutor to postpone the election laws

'Meta' have learnt from sources involved with negotiating teams that working groups for political parties have been intensively negotiating the choice for special public...

Today SDSM will elect a vice-president

Parliament will hold two sessions today, one will be reviewing the proposal to vote Renata Treneska Deskoska as vice president of SDSM. MPs will vote...

German Embassy: The special prosecutor should have complete autonomy and access to all materials

The German Embassy in Macedonia today announced that it has high expectations regarding the appointment of a special prosecutor on the 15th of September,...

The court defends its ruling over the oppositions ‘bombs’

After the dilemma, which unfolded in the media and discussed by the experts over whether the judge of the previous procedure was permitted...

Gruevski: It is in our best interest to come to an arrangement quickly over the special prosecutor

"It is in our best interest to come to an arrangement quickly regarding the special prosecutor. We need to remove this fog SDSM have...

SDSM has submitted a draft law on abolition of external testing

Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of SDSM Assembly Goran Sugareski, today at a press conference said that their parliamentary group submitted proposals to amend...