No end to lindane landfills: There might be a third landfill in the land plot of OHIS


In the land plot of the former OHIS factory there is a third landfill, located near the large and the small landfill, and it is quite possible that it might contain lindane, says for Meta news agency Adnan Kahil, the minister without portfolio for foreign investments, who is a part of the Working group that was formed by the government in order to solve the lindane problem and is a former employee of OHIS,  as a chief engineer, in the period between 1984 and 1987.

If it shows that there is lindane located there, together with the other two confirmed landfills in OHIS and the suspected landfill at Pelenica in Drachevo, it sums up to four landfills in the Skopje area that co,ntain the carcinogenic lindane.

Kahil also says that there might be another location where lindane might be buried, but that is uncertain.

-We have information that there is another landfill at the end of the OHIS plot and that apparently lindane is buried there, but until it is researched what that landfill contains, by investigating the soil, the underground waters, the surrounding environment, we cannot confirm that. For these two landfills, we know almost everything. Regarding the third possible landfill in OHIS we have no information. There are assumptions but we cannot work with assumptions – says Kahil for Meta.

He points out that part of the money that will be provided through the memorandum that the government has signed with the Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs will be used for an analysis of the third depot in the OHIS land plot.

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