Nine presidential candidates from VMRO-DPMNE: Siljanovska, Gjorchev, Petrovski …


The Commission for determining a presidential candidate for VMRO-DPMNE yesterday held a session to review the submitted applications for those declaring an interest for presidential candidate, who will participate in the upcoming convention on February 16 in Struga, reported the Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE, Vlado Misajlovski today.

He added that the Commission has confirmed 10 applications were submitted, one of which was submitted after the application deadline and was rejected.

Candidates who have met the requirements are:

  • Nikita Shekutkovski, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences and full-time professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Skopje, member of the Institute of Mathematics.
  • Gorgi Manaskov, mechanical engineer and President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
  • Vasko Kostov, pharmaceutical technician.
  • Vlatko Gjorchev, lawyer, MP in the Assembly and member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE.
  • Gordana Siljanovska Davcheva, full-time professor at the Faculty of Law “Justinian I” in Skopje, member of the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences, Department of Constitutional Law and Political System.
  • Ilija Dimovski, retired professor at the Faculty of Forestry at UKIM, Skopje.
  • Filip Petrovski, PhD in Political Science and former Director of the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia.
  • Goran Angelov, lawyer, former mayor of the municipality of Vinica and President of ZELS in one term.
  • Saso Kutleshovski, PhD in Agricultural Sciences

“VMRO-DPMNE will allow all those who have submitted applications equal access to municipal committees of the party in the period from 6th – 16th February, in order to present their program and vision for Macedonia. All candidates will receive equal treatment and equal opportunities to be elected according to the principles of democracy,” Misajlovski said.

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