Minister for one day – Tactical move by the VMRO-DPMNE to gain control over MOI before elections

Appointing Oliver Andonov, a former professor at the MIT university in Skopje, an activist for the Civil Movement for Defense of Macedonia (GDOM), as minister of the Interior for a day is the latest tactical manoeuvre of the VMRO-DPMNE. The ruling party has done this to secure key positions with the personnel in the Interior Ministry so they can check everything before tomorrow’s vote in Parliament for the election of the interim government which will conduct the elections on December 11, said well-informed sources to “Meta”.

The government is reshuffling the personnel today, because, tomorrow there will be a new minister from the opposition, plus, the Annexes of the Agreement from July 20 comes into force, including the suspension of the Law on Internal Affairs. Why should it be so complicated when the entire operation could be performed more simply?

“With today’s changes in the Interior Ministry by the ruling party, they intend to establish and strengthen their positions before the elections within the ministry itself, which they have no intention of giving up. The Ministry of Interior is the most important institution during the elections and the government wants it to remain VMRO-DPMNE, and as for Oliver Spasovski, they want him to be akin to an English Queen, or to be more specific, they don’t want him to have any real power while he is sitting at the top”, said one of our sources.

Otherwise, the Directors of the Public Security Bureau and the Security and Counter-Intelligence Agency, according to the Law on Police, names the government as the one to propose the Minister of Interior. Today the Minister will be Oliver Andonov and tomorrow, probably, Oliver Spasovski.

With the amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Law on Police, the jurisdiction of the duties of the criminal police, uniformed police, border police, special police forces and others, will be overtaken by organizational units from within the Public Security Bureau (PSB), even though to adopt these changes, the jurisdiction was once under the control of the Central Police Services (CPS). Despite the fact, the Chief of the Central Police Services appoints the Interior Minister.